Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis

From Pranks to Knife-Wielding Fans: Wrestling's Untold Stories

Mac Davis and WWE Hall of FamerTeddy Long Season 2 Episode 97

Ready for some behind-the-scenes chaos and unforgettable stories from the wrestling world? From a prank gone hilariously wrong to discussing our favorite city hotspots like Corpus Christi’s famed Walter's Oyster Bar, we've got a rollercoaster of laughter and insights for you. And as we edge closer to our milestone 100th episode, the anticipation for our special guest reveal is through the roof!

Brace yourself for intense fan encounters, including one particularly harrowing knife-wielding spectator incident. Dive into personal stories about iconic figures like Nancy Benoit, Missy Hyatt, and Sherry Martell, whose larger-than-life personalities have left a lasting mark on wrestling history. Whether it’s Nancy’s unforgettable moments with Kevin Sullivan or Sherry Martell’s influence on Harlem Heat, this episode is packed with stories that paint a vibrant picture of wrestling's colorful past.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, all this is WWE Superstar Sammy Zayn.

Speaker 2:

Selena Vega here, yours truly, the half-man, half-amazing, montel Montavious Porter, mvp.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Road Trip After Hours with Mac Davis and Hall of Famer Teddy Long With a certified G and a bonafide stud. And I'm not even talking about me, I'm talking about Teddy Long and my man, Mac Davis. How you guys doing. Enjoy the show, guys.

Speaker 2:

Hello again, everybody and welcome to Wrestling's. Enjoy the show. No, On our last episode with Mark Henry, you had the nerve to prank me, cut my, cut all my service off and everything you did that. You pranked me.

Speaker 3:

I'm really not.

Speaker 2:

I'm in not a great mood for you today, okay.

Speaker 3:

Do not listen to a word he is saying. You pranked me ladies and gentlemen, you knocked all my servers out, so I had to.

Speaker 2:

I mean I lost everything, okay. Then he has the nerds to post something that says it was karma. I had karma, yeah it was karma.

Speaker 3:

all right, you were giving me hell to start the show and karma came in and bit him in the ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, Max Karma Davis.

Speaker 3:

That's where the karma came from. Bit him in the ass. Yeah, yeah, mac karma davis, damn teddy. You know we're only a couple weeks away, uh, maybe three weeks away from our 100th episode. Uh got a special guest coming up for that show too.

Speaker 2:

Man, I can't wait yeah, yeah, yeah, we are man and I uh like, like you and I were talking before we started to record here. Uh, you know, we've come a long way, man, and we've had some great people on our podcast. You know that we talked to and one of the persons that's going to be a part of this 100 episode, because when you find out who this is, man, you know I'm telling you we, hey, we started from the bottom. Now here we are. Now here we are.

Speaker 3:

As a matter of fact, if you want to know who we're talking about, stay tuned. At the end of the show we'll tell you exactly who we're talking about. Teddy, right now it's time to ask, Teddy. We got listener mail. We have not done this in a while and we've got some time to get some of these questions in. So if you're ready, let's just get them underway. First question comes from Martin, from from facebook, and he asked who was the big, who was the biggest asshole during your years of wrestling?

Speaker 2:

jesus a lot of them got bit yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I I all I'll say it was quite a few, a lot of it hard-pressed to even say one, because I'm sitting here trying to think even.

Speaker 3:

No matter where I work, I always try to think well, there's always an asshole in every place I've worked.

Speaker 2:

He's got to really go back. They don't just come in wrestling, they're all over, they're in every job. There's always one. I'm telling you, anywhere you go.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's see. Eric on X wants to know what were your favorite cities to visit on the road. I didn't really have any favorite cities. I just liked going to Corpus Christi. I always liked going there at that time when I was drinking then, and so we used to go to this place in Corpus Christi called Walter's Arsabar. It was right on the ocean there and they had a boat there that belonged to Al Capone. It always sat there, walter's Oyster Bar. You could get margaritas for $1. They had whatever fish you wanted. They would go and catch it right then and then bring it right out of the ocean and bring it right back to you. That's what Walter's Oyster Bar was.

Speaker 3:

This is a damn good fisherman I want a grouper.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, man, yeah, they get it right out of the ocean. A lot of people can remember we did a thing when they found out about Eddie Guerrero, they found out about Chris Benoit. We were there. I mean not Eddie, they found out about Chris Benoit. We were there to do Vince's funeral. He was where he got blown up in the limousine that was in Corpus Christi. And also we did a deal where we threw Chavo in the ocean and the divers had to go down and get him.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of yeah.

Speaker 2:

Corpus Christi was a great town Good food, great margaritas. Had a great time.

Speaker 3:

Amy in North Carolina wants to know any crazy fan experiences that you can share.

Speaker 2:

I guess I had quite a few of them, I don't know. I think back in the day I guess was back in the summer, I think when I was managing Butch and Ron. They hated me back then, Butch and Ron hated you. No, the fans hated me. Oh, the fans. Okay, are you paying attention? Yes, I'm sorry, go ahead. Thank you All right Now, as we try and get this right, ladies and gentlemen, okay.

Speaker 2:

Don't you start with me this time. There's always one. I just told y'all that I was managing Butch and Ron. They hated me.

Speaker 3:

And so man, one lady grabbed me.

Speaker 2:

See, he just said Butch and Ron hated him. He said it again so I go right, he just listened too close. That's what's wrong. So I'm walking around the ring right there and this lady smacks me right in the back of the neck. I think she had a book or might have been a purse or something, I don't know what it was, but she smacked me right in the back back there. But you know you could get away with that back then, but you had to watch people because you know, a lot of times I remember Ole Anderson getting stabbed, got too close to a fan, so you had to really be careful back then.

Speaker 3:

True story from my time in independent wrestling, teddy. I was doing a show. It was a place was packed out inside this building, probably 300 more people in there, and I got a big cage match that evening. Well, I found out that one of the people in the crowd, I have been told, had a knife and he was going to stab my competition in the heel of that match. That's how much some of these fans in the independent wrestling world, when you go to the smaller towns, you still come across those fans who will believe everything that they're seeing and they may take it a little bit too far. We actually had to go ask him to put his knife away and took the knife and everything was cool and had to kind of settle him down. But it's amazing the things that people did back then because they still and still to this day, truly believe what they see.

Speaker 2:

Well, people still do that right now. You know what I mean. You have to still be on your B's and Q's now.

Speaker 3:

They'll still jump that rail. You'll see it on WWE. They'll come to the ring. They won't last long, but you'll get in that ring sometimes. By the way, were you ever around Gorilla when that happened, Teddy? And what did Vince do when he saw that?

Speaker 2:

Well, Vince would just talk to the referees on the headsets, you know, and let them know exactly what to do. But Vince didn't really have a whole lot to say, because Vince had people to take care of that kind of stuff. All Vince would do was sit back and watch it. If there was something that needed to be done that he wanted done, he'd get on the headsets and say something. But yeah, Vince, he never got involved in stuff. He would always sit back and he wouldn't move until he was needed.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's see Jimmy on Facebook writes and this is something you always love name association time. I want to give you some names and you just give me what comes to mind when you hear the name Woman.

Speaker 2:

Nancy Sullivan. Yes.

Speaker 3:

Anything about Nancy, and Nancy Benoit too. Yes, anything about Nancy you can share.

Speaker 2:

Nancy Benoit too. Okay yeah.

Speaker 3:

Was Nancy somebody you can share a story with us, with Nancy?

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, god rest her soul. You know I broke in on the Kevin Sullivan God rest his soul. He's gone on and I had the opportunity to ride with her and Kevin when they were married. And boy, they were really a couple man. They were just too much. And I remember one time we went to this restaurant and we were sitting down eating or something and the next thing I know Nancy takes this knife and she just reaches over and she sticks it right in Kevin's steak or something like that, and then she said something to him but it scared me so bad it was unreal, because we're in a restaurant.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Oh man, she's checking to see if it was cooked correctly. Oh, I don't know, man. Then one time I remember we was in Disney taping and Jimmy Hart could tell you this story here, and I guess her and Kevin had got to fighting or something on the on the Disney lot and Jimmy must have run into him first. Nick, I'm coming down next thing. I know. I look, here's Jimmy Hart, he's just running.

Speaker 1:

Teddy, teddy, it's Kevin and Nancy. Come on, come on, come on.

Speaker 2:

So now we're running down there, we're trying to break this up or whatever, man, but you know it was just some fun times, man, back in the day. I miss those times and those two people there that have gone away. I really miss them too. They were great people, yes.

Speaker 3:

All right, the next name on the list, missy Hyatt uh, hot stuff.

Speaker 2:

Eddie gilbert uh, he was. Have god rest his soul. He was another guy that I broke in under, along with him and kevin, and I learned so much from him. But uh, there's a story about, uh, him and missy. They didn't live too far from me, we was living up in kenesaw at the time, and so I went to the house to see eddie and so we was going to smoke, but Missy wouldn't let us smoke in the house. She kicked us out, so we had to go smoke outside in the garage, I believe it was. So I just didn't understand how you, the man, you can't smoke in your own house. So I just left it alone and I said, well, whatever, man, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Next on the list, and this list is full of female talent. By the way, I just noticed as I'm going down the entire list, sherry Martell is the next one up. Any interactions with Sherry?

Speaker 2:

I had a chance to meet and work with her a little bit before she left us. Yeah, just absolutely fantastic, man. She was a great woman too, man, Just always had a great attitude, just as nice as she could be, and I think she was a great help to Booker and Stevie Ray when she managed them, because they learned a lot from her too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that combination of her with Harlem Heat was perfect. It was the perfect match for what they needed to get them to the next level. I agree because without her you know, Mark Henry recently made comments that you helped put the final touches on him, and I think Sherry Martell was basically doing that with Booker and Stevie Ray, putting the finishing touches on them, getting them truly where they needed to be. Yeah, All right. The next name on here is Medusa.

Speaker 2:

Medusa. I had a chance to work with her recently. You know we came back for the draft and she was my co-host there with me on the draft. But she's another real nice lady I had a chance to talk to behind the scenes and stuff, you know, and we was on the same flight and stuff together, so she was just super nice too. You couldn't know a better person. So I really love Medusa. She's great.

Speaker 3:

All right, the last one on our list before we run out of time. Here is Luna Vachon.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, man Met her back in the day Boy. She didn't take no shit, man Jesus.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

She would fight. Oh, I remember one time. God rest her soul. I remember one time she beat up this camera girl. We had to grab her. Man, oh no, she jumped on the camera girl. Yeah, man, I don't know what happened. She said something to her, but she was just too much. Man, gang Red was scared to death of her, okay when he was married. To death of her, okay when he was married to her.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I remember her.

Speaker 2:

I think her and Godfather got into it one time. Oh wow. Godfather had to take a clothes hanger or something from her. You have to ask Godfather about that.

Speaker 3:

I remember that happening somewhere.

Speaker 2:

But other than that she was a sweetheart. You know I talked to her all the time, but you know she was mean. She didn't take no stuff either, man.

Speaker 3:

Look here I want to slide in two more quick questions. All right, teddy. First of all, why did you always shout Westside to the cameras in WCW?

Speaker 2:

Well, that was a slang that they was using out in LA. You know, like gang members and stuff you know in LA, they're Westside. You know that gang members and stuff you know in LA, their website, you know that was that was. That was kind of, you know kind of, and some black in there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you see ice train coming down. The same doing the same thing.

Speaker 2:

And that's where we were relating to the LA.

Speaker 3:

I got you All right. One more quick question how much and this is coming in actually from Alex in North Carolina how much did you enjoy slapping John Laurinaitis on an episode of Raw? And if you could do it again, would you hit him harder?

Speaker 2:

Oh, if I could do it again, I'd knock him the fuck out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm serious, man, you know, because I ain't under no contract now. You know what I'm saying. So I'm down. And you know because I ain't under no contract now. You know what I'm saying. So I'm down and you know what that man did to me and ruined my career. Man, it's just unreal and for no reason you know what I mean. I'm doing my job. I can understand if I'm not doing my job, but I stayed in my position for nine years. Vince McMahon wouldn't have kept me there for nine years if I wasn't doing my job.

Speaker 2:

So you're going to just destroy the color of my skin? Yeah, that's just too much, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, at the time that that slap took place on TV on Raw, was there a part of you that really just wanted to let loose on him. But you just did your job.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't take it, I didn't even look at it like that. You know, I knew this. I'm going to do my job. You know what I mean. So, and you know, and I never forget, vince did this one time too, because Vince must have knew. I remember one time I had to go into the ring and me and him was going to have another little argument about something, and Vince told me he says, says, when you get in the room, just take your, take your coat off, like you're gonna fight, start taking your coat off.

Speaker 3:

I swear.

Speaker 2:

He told me that and uh, that wasn't even part of it, but I did do it and I looked at john. He started looking at me. Then you know like he's getting serious, you know, yeah, yeah and you know what I'm getting.

Speaker 2:

The other thing too, man, I'll say this before we go to you know what I just said, like knocking him out. You know, I don't even think I didn't waste my time because that you know what I mean. I already know what he is, so I'll let God handle him and, uh, I ain't even worried about him, no more. You know what I mean. Like, like I said, I know what I've had to deal with and I'm still.

Speaker 2:

I ain't got no conscience. I wouldn't have been to go to jail or not. You know what I mean. So I ain't got nothing pending. So, we'll see who instant karma hits.

Speaker 3:

Yep, and that will happen very, very soon. All right, Teddy, we're out of time. This has been Wrestling's Road Trip After Hours. I'm your host, Mac Davis, and that's my co-host WWE Hall of Famer, Teddy Long.

Speaker 2:

We'll see you next week.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and, by the way, who's it going to be the special guest here?

Speaker 1:

On the Road Productions presents our 100th episode. Wrestling's Road trip after hours With WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and host Mac Davis. Help us celebrate 100 episodes of wrestling chat interviews and more. Over our 100 episodes. We have had a great variety of guests and our 100th episode will be no different. It's a very special episode. One of pro wrestling's favorite podcasts Wrestling's road trip after hours 100th episode. 100th episode road trip after hours coming soon.

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