Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis
The Fastest 30 Minute Wrestling Show with WWE Hall of Famer TEDDY LONG and MAC DAVIS! It's FAST, It's FUN and it's FREE!
Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis
GODFATHER chickens out! PLUS Wrestling Tricks and Spooky Flicks
What happens when you mix wrestling legends with Halloween mischief? Join us alongside the inimitable Teddy Long as we tackle listeners' burning questions in a special "Ask Teddy" segment. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughter as Teddy spills the beans on being pranked by Bradshaw and reveals Mark Henry's unexpected fear of needles—yes, needles! We promise plenty of chuckles and a behind-the-scenes peek into the world of wrestling with anecdotes featuring pranks on Butch Reed and Ron Simmons that are sure to tickle your funny bone.
Ever wondered how horror films have influenced the wrestling world? We explore the spine-tingling intersection of horror and wrestling, sharing personal tales of fear—from avoiding ocean swims post-Jaws to eerie encounters with evil spirits. Relive the terror that legends like Abdullah the Butcher and Bruiser Brody inspired in the ring, and learn the art of selling fear with unmatched realism. Whether you're debating attending a heart-pounding horror movie marathon or just curious about how wrestlers master the craft of intimidation, this segment delivers thrills and chills with a dose of humor.
Our promo competition is just the beginning of the fun as independent wrestlers Billy Bad Wolf and Chicken Little (WWE HOF GODFATHER) engage in a lively battle of wits and words at the International Professional Wrestling HOF.
Hello again, everybody, and welcome to an all-new episode of Wrestling's Road Trip After Hours. I'm your host, mac Davis, and of course, every single week I've got none other than the Hall of Famer Holla, holla, mr Teddy Long. Hey, teddy, you got that pointing finger.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:I went over to Godfather's room just before I came here, so pardon me, teddy, I've got a surprise for you before we finish up this show, and you're going to be able to watch it with me as we see it but first, before we get into this special godfather episode and I promise you you will- never see godfather look like this ever again.
Speaker 1:It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and all right, kill me when he sees me again. All All right, let's do some. Ask Teddy Before we get there, though, teddy, because I've gotten some questions in the last few days. I sent it around the holiday season, which is Halloween right now, and so these questions all have to kind of revolve around scary or something. So here we go. Number one is Patsy from X, who wants to know. It's Halloween season. What is the scariest thing someone has ever done to you?
Speaker 1:Has anybody ever tried to prank you or anything that scared the living shit out of you?
Speaker 2:Oh, bradshaw used to do it all the time but he would scare me, but I never could let him know that, because if I let him know he scared me, jesus Christ, he'd never stop doing it. So I just, I was scared inside but I'd act like I'm like, oh okay, john, stop it. Man, I knew it was you, but, brother, I was actually really scared.
Speaker 1:Do you ever owe up to him and just say, hey man, I got to tell you that scared the shit out of me. No, no you can't tell him that?
Speaker 2:You can't tell, because if they read you, they know He'll be scaring you for the rest of your life. Yeah, man.
Speaker 1:I always heard that Mark Henry was terrified of scary movies and things like that. He was never into stuff like that. He's terrified of needles.
Speaker 2:Oh is he? He won't take a shot. He won't take a shot. The world's strongest man now.
Speaker 1:And he won't take a shot.
Speaker 2:He won't take a shot.
Speaker 1:Wow, what do they have to do? When he gets an injection or something? They must have to hold him down.
Speaker 2:I don't know. He's crying like a baby on the table maybe, but I've been with him. Brother, he don't need no needles.
Speaker 1:I know people that way, who just the thought of a needle just makes them about faint before it even gets in. You'll see them scream and holler and jerk around all this time before the shot and then when the shot goes in, they don't react at all and they're waiting for it to happen Like it's already over. Yeah, it's done All right, let's see Wyndham fly from X. Wyndham fly I guess that's a play off of the fireflies, but Wyndham Fly from X asks have you ever pranked someone by scaring them? So I guess it's reversed of what the other question was have you ever done it to somebody?
Speaker 2:No, I never did that, because I was too little so I couldn't afford to get beat up.
Speaker 1:You had to be the one getting beat up, not getting yeah you're't be delivering yeah you're right, you never tried to.
Speaker 2:You're talking about me walking up trying to scare Mark Henry. Jesus man, he'd have cursed me, oh man he would have hurt you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I believe that Did you ever just screw with guys, though. I mean, you know, like somebody, like some of the referees, like I know Chimo and people like that used to say you used to go up there and always kind of make fun of them as they were announcing.
Speaker 2:Well, me and Kimo had this thing that a lot of people didn't know. So every time I'd get in the ring and I'd make an announcement you know, about a match and Kimo would be right behind me here tonight.
Speaker 1:Here tonight Always screwing with somebody somewhere.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we always done that, that and uh, I tell you what I did do one time. God rest his soul.
Speaker 2:Uh, bush, reed, uh, they had me prank butch and uh, so butch and ron had worked that night and after they finished, got out of the ring, both of them showered up, got dressed and everything, and you know, put on their street clothes and just as they all got dressed, they sent me right in to go tell both of them that they had to work. You know, something happened and we need them, you know, to work again Now. Butch was cussing, he's mad. Ron, he's a little hot too.
Speaker 1:But you know, we got a job. Before you get too far, teddy, before you get too far, you're being told to tell them to come back into the ring. Is this a joke? Is that what you're? Is that?
Speaker 2:what you're actually doing. Oh god, yeah, it's a rip I have, after they got showered up, put on cologne deodorant all their clothes and they had me running there. And I'm not running in a panic, hey guys. Hey guys, I forget who the agent was that night, but anyway, I'm like, hey man. They said we got to work again. We got to work twice because somebody didn't show up or something I don't know. So they look at, look at me. You know, are you fucking? You know, I'm like man, I'm telling you we got to work again.
Speaker 2:I still got my stuff on. I ain't took my stuff off and they got undressed. And then that's when the rib come down and I left. I ran because Bush was going to kill me.
Speaker 1:How long did it take before you got around him that he wouldn't try to knock you out for that, because I imagine that pissed him off.
Speaker 2:I didn't get around him that night. I didn't see him no more until the next day, oh God.
Speaker 1:He was calmed down by then.
Speaker 2:Yeah, a little bit. He got at me as soon as he saw me.
Speaker 1:The next day at that.
Speaker 2:TV and I'm like Butch man. They told me to do it. What you want me to do, butch? If you want me to get beat up, well, I'll fucking beat you up if you do for y'all man.
Speaker 1:All right, let's see. Cindy in Ohio asks what movie scared you the most as a kid? She writes mine was the Wizard of Oz and the Flying Monkeys. Oh, I didn't like them, son of bitches either. Wait, as a kid I did not like the Flying Monkeys.
Speaker 2:Well, when I was a kid, I don not like the Flying Monkeys. Well, when I was a kid, I don't even know anything about any scary movies. Okay, when I was a kid, I was a hoodlum, so I wasn't scared of nothing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you were on the street. You couldn't afford to be scared. I was on the street.
Speaker 2:I was a hoodlum man. I'd be and doing everything A to Z man, so I wasn't scared of nothing.
Speaker 1:I'll tell you one movie that really did screw me up. It's a horror movie, but I don't know if they really consider it that or not. But Jaws, when Jaws came out, I lived on the coast. Let me tell you something, brother the second I saw that movie, my ass never went back in the ocean again.
Speaker 2:I remember that Jaws thing. That was kind of frightening. I remember looking at some of the trailers on it before it came out. Oh man yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, because I mean, that's the kind of horror movie I like. I like the kind even in wrestling, because this is about wrestling. But in wrestling, just like in horror movies, I want to feel like whoever the bad guy is or the monster of the movie, I want them to be somebody. I can actually believe that they're that way. Michael Myers and Jason are all that, you know, the crazy lunatics. I believe that, and you can believe a shark in the ocean eating people up, so that just ruined me on the beach after that. All right, let's see. We got Xavier from the UK who writes do you believe in evil spirits?
Speaker 2:Yes, I do.
Speaker 1:You want to say why I've worked with some of them. You've worked with some evil spirits living in somebody else's body and you had to deal with them right, exactly, I understand how many of those would you say you've seen in your lifetime, teddy? Because when you look back truly I think if anybody looks back over time there's a lot of evil spirits you encounter over life.
Speaker 2:More than I've got fingers and toes.
Speaker 1:Amen, amen. All right, let's see Moe in St Joe. Hey, I like that one. Where's St Joe? Texas, I would assume. Who do you consider wrestling's all-time monster?
Speaker 2:Okay, wrestling's all-time monster. That's a good one nonsense. I would have to say maybe abdullah the butcher he was, he was, I mean, he was really scary, he was a scary guy. I mean, abdullah the butcher, he really, you know, made people run from him. And uh, you know, dr white boogeyman, you know he's not like abdullah, but he reminds me so much of abdullah because the people are recently scared of him too. Yes, so I would think the biggest monster was Abdullah the Butcher.
Speaker 1:I think in my lifetime that would hold true to me too, teddy, because Abdullah was somebody that hell. Even the boys didn't want to get around him. They weren't sure about Abby sometimes. I mean, I heard stories about guys who would show up to work and they'd see their name on the board with Working Abby. They would pack up and go.
Speaker 2:When I was reverend brother, they would come to me and ask to look at the sheet, or either they will come to me and say Teddy, am I working? Who am I working with? I'm not working with Abby, emma. And when I told them some guys that I had to tell I said, yeah, they got you down with Abby tonight. Oh, my God brother, some guys just stayed here like they couldn't be found.
Speaker 1:Yep, yep, you know. And Abby, back in that day when he would come out into the rim, he bled a lot. That was a lot about. His gimmick was bleeding, but he could walk through the crowd and the crowd would just scatter. They didn't want to be anywhere near him. Him and Bruiser Brody Stan Hansen. Yes, these guys could draw people to make them just go. Oh crap, if I don't get out of the way I'm going to get killed. That's when I loved wrestling. I really did.
Speaker 2:Those guys were for real.
Speaker 1:Yes, they were. I remember Bruiser Brody made a comment about the chain and how he never hit anybody with the chain. He said I'm so damn tall when I get that chain going it's not going to hit anybody, especially because he was in Japan and most of the people were smaller. So he's just swinging that chain and they're just going crazy. But he looked like a crazy lunatic doing it.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, those guys knew what selling meant. They knew what that meant. You be for real out here.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, all right. Ted in Tennessee writes dear. Oh, I did see this one earlier, so get ready, teddy. Ted in Tennessee writes dear Teddy, my girlfriend loves horror movies and she wants to spend Halloween going to a horror fest I'm sorry, a horror fest movie marathon. Problem is that shit scares the shit out of me, but I can't tell her because then I'll look like a puss. Please help.
Speaker 2:Well, the best thing to do is don't look like a puss and go to the horror movie with your girlfriend.
Speaker 1:Don't let her know you're scared.
Speaker 2:Don't let her know you're scared, You're in a world of trouble my man.
Speaker 1:Ain't that the truth? All right, Teddy. I had a chance at the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame to have a little bit of fun during the festivities, and Godfather unknowingly had to join in. I want to show you something. You ready, yeah?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's not bad.
Speaker 1:All right you guys ready to have a little fun. I got something in mind, one of the things I love about wrestling, and always have is probably the first thing that drew me into wrestling and that was the promo the trash talk, the wrestlers talking trash to one another. So I thought tonight we've got some independent wrestlers in here. I think we got one way in the back back here. I spoke to somebody earlier. We're gonna get him up on stage and I'll see who we got here.
Speaker 2:If you will join me up on stage.
Speaker 1:We're gonna have a promo competition. You ready Now? Don't worry, because your competition really isn't that great on the microphone. His name is Godfather and, godfather, if you will follow me up on stage for a minute, we've got a little fun to do. Come here. You know you've got your leg. Trust me, let's go follow us up. Right, I gotta go up here. Yes, sir, I said trust me. You should have done that, dennis. Alright, we got two guys. They're gonna go head and end in the 12-0 competition.
Speaker 2:First of all, you must not know how old I am.
Speaker 1:I might act like I'm young, but I'm 64 years old, so don't get me in too much trouble with these young guys. I wouldn't do that, trust me, Trust me. Now, the one thing about promos when you get into wrestling and you know this creative sometimes has a different idea of what you should be when you're a promo in the ring and what kind of character you will be so creative city of package.
Speaker 1:Anthony, I give you a pass. You got me doing this. You're the man. You got me doing this. All right, your character, billy Batwolf. You're the man. You gotta be like this. Alright, your character, billy Batwolf. Now you have to remove that cap off your head, oh no.
Speaker 2:Oh my, you know what's coming for you.
Speaker 1:I love that haircut.
Speaker 3:I might Alright, so this is gonna be Billy Batwolf versus Get ready, you know I'm your Alright so this will be Billy Bambus, versus Get ready, you know, I'm your company.
Speaker 1:Bring those glasses down, tony, wake up. Chicken Little. So oh my gosh, you know. Another word for chicken is um. It's a four letter word. I'm gonna let you start. First of all, your name.
Speaker 3:I am professional wrestler. Fine order, fuck to you.
Speaker 1:You got 60 seconds. Give them your best promo. You're going against Chicken Little, chicken Little, chicken Little. Hey, it's awesome. Not Billy Bad Wolf, you're Billy Bad Wolf who's ready for a.
Speaker 2:Billy Bad Wolf, not you, chicken Little. I see you in there in the hen house going for all that you can.
Speaker 1:But when you step in the ring with the badass of the wolves in sheep's clothing, I see you in this blue tuxedo and all I see is a brick house that I can blow down Woo Billy Bad Wolf.
Speaker 2:Well, billy Bad Wolf, you could blow me. If you don't have to blow me down, you can blow me here. But if you think your clowny ass can deal with the chicken middle, brother, you gotta bang this thing happening, because chicken middle will dribble up and down your ass like you ain't never seen before.
Speaker 1:And if you wanna eat the ring with chicken middle, you better bring more than your wolf ass, because I'm gonna break you down like the shotgun that you are son and I might be Chicken Little, but I'm gonna be Chicken Little in your ass. I know I'll never get the end of this without Bob, but I couldn't resist my friend. Let's get into our last induction for the evening folks. All right, teddy, you've got a special guest with us. Who is this?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, we're having a great show today and I thought we would continue with nothing but greatness. We have a lovely lady here. Her name is Dawn Parisi, just to give you a little information. You know, after I, you know, moved out of my house and I'm single now, so I'm in an apartment by myself and everything moved out of my house and I'm single now, so I'm in an apartment by myself and everything.
Speaker 2:So what I did one day I was just going around Sandy Springs and I was going to try and get me some stuff you know to kind of, you know, decorate the house. So I saw this boutique and I stopped and I said, well, let me go in there. So I went in this boutique and that's where I met Mrs Parisa and she had all these recent hanging up and we got her. Today she's going to show us a lot of great stuff, and I just thought about it. I was like, could you make me something that I could hang in my house? And so she said, well, what do you want? So I didn't know, but I had a T-shirt and this is the T-shirt that I went out to my car and I got, and I showed this T-shirt to her and I told her. I said can you make me something along the lines of this T-shirt and Mac, you've got a picture of that wreath If you could show that to them and show the people just exactly what she does.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. You'll see this over the screen as we welcome Dawn in Dawn. How are you today?
Speaker 3:I'm well. Thank you and thanks Teddy, thanks Mac, for having me in today.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. You're very welcome. You know, Teddy sent me a picture of that wreath because this is the reason why we wanted you on the show. Well, he showed me what he got and he showed me the work that you had done, which was in the picture, as you'll see right here. Just incredible work. I was amazed when I saw it.
Speaker 3:So both Teddy and I were like we got to get her on, we got to let people Well, it was probably about 2018 and I was browsing on Facebook and I saw someone creating and talking about it and I've had creation in my background. My mom was very creative and so I thought I can do that and it just kind of grew and grew and grew from there and it's such a joy for me and it's a passion. Grew and grew and grew from there and it's such a joy for me and it's a passion, so let me get this.
Speaker 1:You said this is 2018. So you've only been doing this at this point. Now, what eight years? Is that what I'm? Am I right here?
Speaker 3:Actually six.
Speaker 1:Yeah, six years, five to six years.
Speaker 3:Well, I was working full time and I didn't really get into it until I would say it really probably in 2020.
Speaker 1:Wow, get into it until I would say it really probably in 2020. Wow, I got into it. Well, I'm looking at the work behind you, which is just amazing. I can see why. Teddy, when he came in there oh, I love that I didn't see the holiday wreath. You were hiding that when you were standing there a moment ago. That's beautiful right there.
Speaker 2:Thank you. Thank you, and Don, if you could just give us a little rundown of the wreath you got there standing behind you and what you're selling at the boutique right now. What's your Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays?
Speaker 3:Well, what I'm working on now is stock for the boutique which will transform next Monday completely. I have Halloween and fall in there now and I will keep a little bit of fall, but I'm creating new designs to go in and this is a very jumbo wreath. I don't know if you can see it.
Speaker 2:Well, if I need to take them off, let me know no, we see them, they look good, we see them very good yeah, I love that holiday wreath.
Speaker 1:That's actually and I'll tell you why a lot of holiday wreaths and I know, like you've got some off to the side, they're a little bit less traditional. But the one right in the middle, the one that we're talking about, is such a traditional christmas wreath.
Speaker 3:Uh, it just jumps out incredible work it sparkles, thank you yes I I want to show you another one that you might feel is is that way as well yes, oh man, oh, the kids would love something like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you got grand babies, boy, let me tell you that you get Santa Claus in a picture, in a wreath, and you're doing good.
Speaker 2:I have a.
Speaker 1:Santa Claus picture. Every year I've got one that's been passed down through our family that was hand painted by somebody years and years ago. To this day, as a tradition, I hang that every single year and pass it on to my kids when I'm gone, so something like that means a lot at Christmas time. You got any other designs you can show us. I know you have some right there at your hands too that you can actually hold up right.
Speaker 3:I sure do. Well, I do those. So this is just a little example. It's the quad and I will be taking some of my little mini trees. They're great for offices, they're great for nursing homes for family that have little tiny spaces.
Speaker 3:And see, Teddy, that's a Christmas tree you could have in the house and maybe Rufus wouldn't tear up, put it up high, and this is more of the traditional colors of them, and this is more of the traditional colors of them, and I also do natural wreaths more. Uh, for those who enjoy, natural looks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that looks really nice. That reminds me of some of the tennessee feeling right there. If people want to find out more about your work and want to actually make orders, where do they do that? How do they just come by? I know the name of the business I want to make sure we're clear about this is Parisi Designs and Decor. Is that correct?
Speaker 3:It is, and I have a boutique which is a space in a larger group. It's a building that has about 200 vendors. It's the Painted Tree and it is located at 4651 Woodstock Road in Roswell, georgia, but now everyone can't go there. So you can find me on Etsy and that's Parisi Designs Decor, and I have a sign. I'm hoping that it will display properly. Yes, with. Qr codes and folks can just Let me tell you something, dawn, and hold those codes there for just a minute.
Speaker 1:Display properly yes, with QR codes and folks can just Let me tell you something, dawn, and hold those codes there for just a minute. Teddy just recently at a convention said Mac, we need to get some of these QR codes so that people can just click on it and take some straight to the site. I don't know why I didn't think of it. It came out of the mind to Teddy Long and I see you're doing the same thing. That is the easiest way. Folks, if you're watching right now, you want to find out more, grab your camera, hold it up to the image right there, the QR code and it'll take you directly to where it's supposed to head to Don. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Put that up again, so we can get that code. Put that up again.
Speaker 1:She's got it right there, teddy, you can't see it. Okay, I can't see it, I'm sorry.
Speaker 3:Okay, well, thank you again so much for having me on. I appreciate it. This is a joy and a very big surprise. Thank you, and I'm looking forward to folks contacting me or taking a look at my Etsy page. These designs will be on there as well, so they can be shipped directly to you or they make great gifts can be shipped to your friends or your family.
Speaker 1:If somebody wants to order a custom design, kind of like what Teddy got, I mean, how long does that usually take to, you know, create and put together? How far in advance should they make an order? I guess is what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Well, it really depends upon what's in front of it, but you know, probably the turnaround time would be within a week.
Speaker 1:Wow, okay, that's really good yeah.
Speaker 3:Yes, and we communicate on Etsy and get the colors and just the theme and we go from there.
Speaker 1:Well, Dawn. Again, thank you so much. Actually, your husband is a friend of mine on Facebook, Jack. I've known Jack through Facebook. I actually met Jack through Teddy and it's kind of a small world that we all happen to end up here talking about your business. But your business is just so good and seeing that quality of work, you don't see that too often, so it's nice to see it's out there.
Speaker 3:I appreciate it, thank you. Thank you for this, teddy. Thank you, mac. Thank you, I appreciate it, no problem, thank you.
Speaker 2:You, you for this, teddy. Thank you, mac. Thank you, I appreciate it and no problem, thank you. You're doing an outstanding job and I just feel like with this holiday season, people will certainly be interested in your work and, like I said, that is good stuff. So people get in touch with Dawn, get your read, get something from her. If you don't get in touch with her, then you might have to go one-on-one with the Undertaker.