Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis

Adam Bomb Explodes! Wrestling Stories with Bryan Clark, Teddy Long and Mac Davis

Mac Davis and WWE Hall of FamerTeddy Long Season 2 Episode 108

Brace yourself for a trip down memory lane with former WWF superstar Bryan Clark, famously known for his personas as the Night Stalker, Adam Bomb, and Wrath. Join us as we dig into Brian's incredible journey through the wrestling world, from his early tryouts in Smoky Mountain Wrestling to his unforgettable debut with the WWF in the early '90s. You’ll discover the backstory behind the Atom Bomb character, a persona that truly exploded onto the scene with its nuclear-themed flair. Bryan shares some candid insights about his collaborations with wrestling giants and his return to WWE in the 2000s, where he teamed up with Bryan Adams in a noteworthy challenge against The Undertaker.

But the action doesn’t stop there. Get ready to laugh out loud with some wild road stories, including a hilarious escapade involving Harvey Wippleman. 

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Speaker 1:

you. Hey, everyone you're watching road trip after hours the WWE Hall of Famer, teddy Long.

Speaker 2:

Theo Dizzle and his main man, mac Davis. You're watching on YouTube and if you don't watch it, it's one on one with the Undertaker.

Speaker 3:

Hello again, everybody, and welcome to Road Trip After Hours. I'm your host, mac Davis, along with WWE's Hall of Famer Mr Holla Holla, teddy Long.

Speaker 2:

Hey, teddy, hey, what's up, mac? I just want to say one thing before we get started here. I see why you refuse to wear a T-shirt that advertises Road Trip After Hours, so I see you got something nice in the background, yeah you like that yeah yeah, yeah, Thanks a lot.

Speaker 3:

I worked on that for about a week now trying to get that thing to work right, and I'm still not happy with it.

Speaker 2:

but uh, well see, if you just put a t-shirt on, you wouldn't have to go through all that. All you got to do is just slip it on I wore a t-shirt on the other show to advertise our show.

Speaker 3:

That was the smart thing to do. Always giving me hell, always giving me hell. Today. Uh, today we got a very special guest in here. I kind of grabbed him at the last minute and I've, I have met him and known him for god he maybe he knows probably two, three, four years, something like that, when we first came across each other.

Speaker 3:

And our guest today is a WWF superstar and I said WWF, yes, superstar back from the early 90s, starting as the Night Stalker in his tryout match and then debuting as Atom Bomb for his employer and Teddy, you probably know this guy, johnny Polo, otherwise known to a lot of other people as Raven, and the gimmick being that Adam Bomb was a survivor of Three Mile Island, that nuclear accident that took place, and he had these green glowing eyes and this red tongue and he did a lot of work with a lot of big names during that time red tongue, uh, and he did a lot of work with a lot of big names during that time. And after leaving wwe he went to wcw to be a part of the blood runs cold storyline, working with mortis and glacier as wrath, and he also returned back to the wwe in the early 2000s, by teaming up with none other than brian adams to attack and double choke. Slam the Undertaker. Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest today, brian Clark hey, brian.

Speaker 1:

Good afternoon gentlemen. Thank you for having me. Great seeing you both. Absolutely, yeah, man, Good to see you guys.

Speaker 3:

Let me ask you the start of your career. You know when you first came up on the scene. I remember when you first came out and I remember thinking to myself.

Speaker 3:

Wait a minute, thinking, wait a minute, wait a minute. What do you mean when he first came out? Okay, don't take it there, teddy, that's not what I said when you first debuted. How about that, thank you, thank you. When you first debuted, your image on screen was just you were such a massive looking individual. Immediately I'm thinking oh, this guy's prime for the Undertaker. There's going to be a storyline somewhere in here. When you first got there, what were you told? When you first came in as Adam Bomb? Which of the plans would it be Really?

Speaker 1:

there were no promises or really guarantees or anything. I think that coming out of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, jim Cornette's promotion, I got a call up and I got a tryout and again it was like the mid 90s, early to mid 90s, and I got a tryout and they hired me right away and um came up with that gimmick and it took a few months for them to get everything materialized and it was put together, presented to me and said, hey, this is, this is your character, this is what you're going to be, and that's sort of what they did during that time frame. You know, a lot of guys got some gimmicks. Some people actually used their names, but very few people. Usually there was a gimmick associated with it and I happened to fill the shoes with Adam Bomb.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say that I had heard at one point time that you were presented with two names when you first got there. Now, one of them was Adam Bomb, which is the one you chose, and the other one, if I'm not mistaken, was it the ringmaster, the other name that you were given.

Speaker 1:

That was one and there was actually three. There was one that sort of tied my military career to a character. The second one was Adam Bomb and the third one was the ringmaster. Those all three. And back in those days what they did is they trademarked a lot of names, yes, and, like I said, adam bomb, and and of course, uh, steve austin's gimmick later on, of course, but they sort of had that in the bank and they brought it out, uh, but that was one of the names and uh, at at the time I felt of of the three, I think that I could do the most with adam bomb. It being a three mile island deal with um, just a nuclear monster, I felt like I could do a lot more with it.

Speaker 3:

so that's sort of why, that's why I chose that one and I would imagine because you're a very creative individual uh, for a lot of people may not know you behind the scenes, but you are very creative. So I can imagine the adam bomb was more appealing because there is more you could do on your canvas as far as how you wanted to paint that entire thing. So I'm sure that would be a reason why, when you were in WWE, who were some of the folks you were working with at the time, Brian? Because you know I could sit here and try the name off everybody, but I can't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah sure, honestly, I worked just about everybody in the company. Yeah, sure I, honestly, I worked just about everybody in the company. We were at the time we were on the road about 290 days, maybe a little more depending on if we had extra television taping or interviews or an appearance. So at least around 290 that time, that many days. And during a loop, you know, you would work one guy maybe six or seven nights and then work another guy maybe two or three nights. He just varied. Or sometimes you'd be on a loop, as teddy well knows it. You could be on it there and work the same guy for 15 nights in a row. Yeah, back in back in that time frame and, um, I remember one year I did 10 tours of europe in one year.

Speaker 1:

Just wow, every one that came up I was on, just about every one and uh actually I really got a chance to work with everybody up and down the card At that time. I felt that and of course the payoffs also paid off off of the houses, and the European houses were always sold out. Their crowds were just so hot and rabid, and I mean that in a good way. I love the European fans and always had a great time there.

Speaker 2:

And while you were speaking on that, Brian, at that particular time, a lot of the guys now that are doing the overseas trip they got it made Because they'll go and stay a week or four days and come home, Brother, when you and me were doing it, it was 15 days. You stayed overseas. 15 days you stayed there. Uh, yeah, I, I feel you, bro.

Speaker 1:

I know exactly how that feels and then when you come back, you don't go home, you go straight to tv taping you went straight to tv.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you got off the plane, went straight to tv yep, brian, let me ask you you know the name of the show is road trip. After hours we're talking about all this travel. Are there any, any road stories you can remember that you can pass along?

Speaker 1:

that may be interesting you know there's, so there's so many. I'm sure you get the same answer from every guy there's so many because almost every loop there's a story and something happens to somebody somewhere along the road. And you're either you know you, either you're laughing everybody's laughing their ass off about in the locker room, or you you know there's always something.

Speaker 3:

Well, let me ask you. There is a story that I've heard now and this is this came from Harvey Wuppelman, or downtown Bruno, so you know. But he did tell me a story at one time that he was in an airport and y'all were all traveling together I think it was London Heathrow Airport, maybe after some terrorist actions had taken place and caused the planes to land. He says that he, you had kind of wandered off and they were about to board the plane. He starts yelling out in the airport, bomb, bomb, scaring everybody half to death and trying to get your attention. Do you recall that? I do.

Speaker 1:

I do recall it. The only difference is that it was actually in ireland and that's what they were having the bombing. So maybe it would have been better if it would have been london. I would.

Speaker 1:

I would have had a chance you know, but he actually he actually said it in dublin's airport and you know I was, I was on a gator to away and, uh, everybody got him calmed down real quick. Um, that's one of the a million stories that, um, I know that. You told me, you, you were telling me that, um, and our messages back and forth. You said if I could think of any road stories and you know there's always I'm going to tell you one, okay, okay, and I'm not going to give any names on anybody, oh, that's fine. No, I'm not, I cannot do it.

Speaker 3:

I cannot do it. No, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Okay, true story. I'm probably going to get in trouble for this. I hope not Either way. They'll probably forget it. This was early. I say about 94, 95. So if you know the roster you'll have an idea of who was there. We were at North Charleston Coliseum there. You guys know where that's at. At the time it was new, it had opened up. I don't know if there was. I'm sure they got a name for it. Right now they changed names so much of the arenas.

Speaker 1:

We were all staying very close to the airport. I want to say it was either a Marriott. It may have been a Marriott, it could have been Holiday Innriott, it could have been a Holiday Inn. Honestly, I cannot remember, but I do know there was a sports bar right next to it. So, of course, after TV tapings and blah, blah, blah, you know all the boys, they want to eat and have a drink if they want to have a drink. And so there was a lot of us in this sports bar and there was this one girl there and there sports bar, and um, there was this one girl there and there was some pool tables in this bar and so, um, this girl just kept really just bashing the boys big time and just caught just bashing the business, I mean, just left and right, and we were like, wow, that's, that's, that's a little stiff, you know. Yeah, no, we're just, and. But she was getting really, you know, she was getting lit up, I got you and so. So I mean, it kept on for a while and really most of the guys no-sold it, but a couple guys were like, wow, man, she's really, you know, honest, for some reason we couldn't figure it out. So, you know, no big deal, we all just really no-sold it and called it a night, whatever. Well, that's what I thought. So Called it a night, whatever. Well, that's what I thought.

Speaker 1:

So it's like 7 am, you know, we got another flight to catch, it's time to go, right, yep, and I got my luggage with me. I'm going up to the front desk and I'm getting ready to check out and I look over to the side and there's a girl that's just crying, I mean just like tears, like crazy, and her mascara is all down her face, right, and I'm looking at her trying to check out, you know, getting my credit card and everything, checking out, and I'm looking like, wait a minute, that girl is familiar, that girl looks familiar. What's the difference? Oh my God, her head had been shaved. Oh no, I'm like, oh no. So then I look over, I look over, listen, the girl's mom's there. A cop is there, bro. It was hilarious. We were all. I'm not going to say who, what, how, when I don't know I'm telling you.

Speaker 1:

I'm giving you full disclosure. I do not know. However, however, I don't think she's going to put the boots to the gas anymore. I was in shock. I was like what's going on here?

Speaker 2:

Was that the same girl that was bashing the business and talking bad to the boys? Oh, so they got her, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that's what I mean, Teddy.

Speaker 1:

Teddy, I could not recognize her.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking to myself there's something different about her.

Speaker 1:

I mean the mascara and everything. But what happened? And then I was like she had her mom with her too, and this girl, of course she was of of age she's in her 20s easily. However, she had had brought her mom and a police officer down. Oh no, oh no, I'm serious, oh man, that, um, that one always sticks with me for some reason. I I don't know why that's a great story.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's one of the better ones we've had, actually.

Speaker 2:

I yeah, that was a good story, oh I, I'd like to walk right up to her and just told her hey, welcome to the club.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, brian see, teddy already knows he's starting already investigating, going like okay, oh yeah, three, ninety, four or five.

Speaker 3:

Okay, he already see, he already know, yeah, oh yeah of all the things that you've done in wrestling because we're running out of time I do want to bring up. But you didn't just work in WWF, you did work in WCW for the Blood Runs Cold program with Glacier and Mortis. Ernest Miller. Ernest Miller, how did you get involved in that in the first place? Was that something they approached you about and said, hey, we got an idea?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they approached me. My contract was up with WWF at the time and I was like I said that schedule I'd been away from my family so much and that that schedule. I knew that I just got a much better offer working for.

Speaker 3:

Eric, he worked in. Atlanta at that time, I mean you lived in Atlanta, I lived in.

Speaker 1:

Atlanta for 12 years. Correct, I'm in Arizona for like 20 plus now, but at the time I was in Atlanta and I had a house there and, um, I just was like that, you know. I said just a much better deal. Uh, all the way around, every part of, and then I got to break off as a singles. From the whole blood runs cold as wrath. And then, of course, later on tagging with brian adams uh, formerly crush, yes, and that was chronic, chronic, that's right. Yeah. So we, we ended up our careers gratefully, man, three-time world tag team champions, all Japan champions. So I'm very blessed, man.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to ask you this standard talk show kind of question here. But of all the things that you've done during your time in wrestling, is there a moment for you I'm talking about a personal moment where you're like you know what?

Speaker 1:

This is something I'll never forget that was involved in your wrestling career. Oh, oh yes, uh, absolutely, when we won the all japan titles uh, we were the 47th team of all time to win it uh, it was just a packed house in sepporo and just just amazing, with the streamers coming down and what really made it the, to me, the most special part of it. I was a huge fan of this guy's and he was there on basically an ambassador tour and it was Stan the Lariat Hanson who presented us with the titles and the trophy, and I'll never forget that, no doubt.

Speaker 3:

Man. All right, Brian, before we get out of here, you do have a podcast of your own, do you not?

Speaker 1:

I do, we, we get out of here. You do have a podcast of your own, do you not? I do? We have the adam bomb cast on monday nights one hour prior to monday night, raw, which is on tiktok, and then also on friday nights, tiktok again, uh, one hour prior to smackdown. We talk pro wrestling past, present, future, and it's growing very well and happy with it, and again, you know it's uh, it's been fun, really has been. You have a merch site as well that people can do with my merch. Yeah, I got two merch stores, of course, pro Wrestling Tees here in the US, but I also have WrestleMerch Central in the UK and they have just about everything you can imagine as far as merchandise, and not just my merch. I mean everyone like Kurt Angle, I mean just a lot of guys that we all know, of course, in the business. They have a lot of merch in that store.

Speaker 3:

Are you in the movie business too? Look here. I keep seeing these pictures occasionally that come across my Facebook and I'm like okay, is he doing a movie somewhere? It's a Western usually, is it not?

Speaker 1:

I have done a few things. I've done two movies I did Forget About it with Burt Reynolds and a few other big name people back in like 2004. And then I was the lead in Axeman 2, which was a I call it my B-movie horror flick, and that was in 17. I've done a lot of commercials and you know different things. So, yeah, man, I'm just staying busy. And you know, you think when you retire you think that, okay, I'm just going to do nothing. But from the time I get up in the morning if I'm a 5am, I'm an early morning person I do the four minute cold plunge at 44 degrees. I start my day with that. I go, I hit the gym, you know, do the hot sauna, the weights. I'm just doing a lot of stuff. I went down to South America last year and got the stem cell therapy.

Speaker 3:

I was going to ask you because the last time I saw you, you had mentioned that you had some rehabs that you were going through, and you were moving better even then when I saw you. So I can imagine how well you're moving around now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I feel I really do, I feel good and I've got a home gym here on our new property here and I live in Red Rock, Arizona, which is out in the middle of the desert, but it's just gorgeous man. I've got mountain views and I love it. I miss Atlanta. I will. I miss Atlanta, no doubt about it, but out here it's just so peaceful and stress-free man.

Speaker 3:

And Teddy, he also has a good friend that stays with him, that rides around in the truck with him, just like you do.

Speaker 1:

Teddy's got Rufus. What's the name of the dog you're carrying around, ryan? Oh, I've got to see pictures of teddy's dog. I know, yeah, yeah, so I have one. Her name is skyler. I call her skyler bomb oh, she's beautiful well, but check this out, teddy. I don't know if you get to see it or not. I just got another one, uh-oh, but. But I got an Australian shepherd and piercing blue eyes. Oh yeah, I'll let you send you some pictures of her man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me see that that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

She's a handful man, but she is. She needed a buddy. You know what I mean. I got you and so yeah, but I had to do it.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad I did brian, thank you so much for uh being on the show today. Like I said, I know it's the last minute thing. I kind of reached out to you, but I just had a feeling that, uh, you know we'd be able to pop this pretty quick, it wouldn't be an issue. And uh, you were fantastic.

Speaker 1:

You were immediately responding and I appreciate that more than you can know hey, man, when I can be on the screen with these legends right here and Teddy Long, the greatest manager of SmackDown of all time, are you kidding me?

Speaker 3:

Thank you. What's up, man? Alright, I'm your host, Mac Davis. That is WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long, and this has been Road Trip After Hours with our special guest, Adam Bomb.

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