Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis

Teddy Long's Holiday Visit! WWE Belt Drama, Shoot Taylor's AEW Journey, and Drone Dilemmas!

Mac Davis and WWE Hall of FamerTeddy Long Season 2 Episode 113

WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long joins us for a festive edition of Road Trip After Hours, bringing his legendary insight into the wrestling world and beyond. Ever wonder what's brewing with WWE's latest belt design? Get ready to hear about the intriguing rumors surrounding a new Tribal Chief Championship belt and how it might stir the pot just like John Cena's controversial spinner belt did. We'll unpack the delicate balance between tradition and innovation in wrestling belt designs, while also venturing into a different ring—the world of drones. From public safety concerns to government transparency, or the lack thereof, it's a topic that's as fascinating as it is frustrating.

And if wrestling sends your adrenaline racing, let's chat about Shoot Taylor's extraordinary journey from the indie scene to the big leagues of AEW. After a refreshing hiatus, Shoot is back, stronger and more determined than ever, and he's here to share the ups and downs of his professional ascent. With Teddy Long's endorsement and potential opportunities brewing with Booker T's Reality of Wrestling, Shoot is a talent to watch. Plus, don't miss the scoop on his upcoming podcast, "The Bond," where he'll tackle topics beyond the wrestling mat. Tune in to catch all the action-packed stories and inspiring insights!

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Speaker 1:

Right now, teddy and Mac are busy with a secret project, but be sure to join them for an all-new episode of Road Trip After Hours Every Friday on YouTube and your favorite podcast platforms. Wrestling news and interviews.

Speaker 2:

We have an unauthorized drone flying over the city. Contact was made and we're informed that we will have to shoot them down if they don't land immediately. The angry little occupant stated that if we try, we will quote go one-on-one with the Undertaker. Hey, everyone you're watching Road Trip After Hours with the WWE Hall of Famer.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Long, theo Dizzle and his main man, mac Davis. You're watching on YouTube and if you don't watch it, it's one-on-one with the Undertaker.

Speaker 2:

Hello again, everybody, and welcome to the holiday edition of Road Trip. After Hours I'm your host, mac Davis. That is Mr Grinch WWE. Hey, mr Teddy Long. Hey, teddy.

Speaker 4:

Mr Grinch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Grinch oh, you got one coming. I'm telling you right now, you really got to get it.

Speaker 2:

Look, we got a guest coming on a little bit later that you and I both know, and we'll introduce this person to a lot of people who may not even know this person's name. I promise you, after this video and after this interview, you're going to want to know more about this individual, because I got a belief and I know, teddy, you do as well he's going to be a big star one day.

Speaker 2:

Somebody you've seen hit the screen. Before we get into that, though, teddy, I did want to bring up a few things, uh that were in the news. Uh, today, just as I was getting ready for the show, I saw a piece that wwe is considering adding a new championship, uh, to the lineup of championships they have, and this one being the Tribal Chief Championship. What are your thoughts on adding a belt like that?

Speaker 4:

Well, I really don't know. This was a first for me, you know, even hearing anything like this, so I don't know really what that means a tribal chief champion.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be just like a special belt, like the Million Dollar man had, or something like that. I just find those belts kind of silly.

Speaker 4:

Well, like I said, we're entertainment now. So they may come up with a really good design belt, something that really looks good and that might be able to help them to pull that off.

Speaker 2:

Look, the last time they had a belt you talked about entertainment. One of the most entertainment type of belts that were out there was the spinner belt that John Cena had. I hated that belt, by the way. Just to be straight up honest, I hated that belt. What were the thoughts in the back of the guys? What did they think about that belt? I mean, was it dependent upon how old they were, as how they felt about the belt? Were the young ones okay with it?

Speaker 4:

Everybody was okay with it.

Speaker 2:

I didn't hear anybody complain about it at all.

Speaker 4:

I think everybody liked it because it was something brand new. There'd never been nothing like that before as far as a title belt. So I think I never heard no complaints about it or nothing. So I think everybody liked it. I know it sold a lot. Kids love to do that spinner yeah yeah, that's what I'm saying Business decision-wise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to change the belt on a regular basis. That's right Again, you know how I am. I'm old school. I love the old traditional belt. Give me the belt that's been in the company from day one. Make it something that's a heritage. Well, well, Extra belts to spin they ain't going to do that, no more.

Speaker 4:

No, they're going to have.

Speaker 2:

LED belts one day. You watch, just change out the plate with some LED thing, it'll change on the whim. They don't even have to buy a new belt anymore.

Speaker 4:

Or they might just put one on a drone and just fly it around.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, god, the drones man. Teddy, you brought the drones. Let's talk about the drones real fast. What are your thoughts on these damn things? Is it driving you crazy that our government can't be straight up with us and tell us what the hell is going on?

Speaker 4:

No, not really. There ain't nothing surprising me that what's going on in the world now, man?

Speaker 1:

I mean it's unreal man, some of this stuff.

Speaker 4:

So all I do is just pray and, you know, ask God to bless and take care of me and just try to take care of these people out here that if these drones are bad, then let's try to get to the bottom of this and let's stop this before somebody you know gets hurt or somebody maybe even get killed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, the big thing is that you just tell people what the hell's going on, don't tell us that everything's all right, don't worry about it. And then you say, well, what is it? And they go we don't know. Well then, how the hell do you know if it's something to worry about?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you're the government Jesus Christ you've got all the technology in the world. If you don't know, then nobody don't know.

Speaker 2:

And I'm telling you it's going to come to a point where the Americans themselves will go outside and start shooting these things out of the sky because the government's not doing anything and not explaining what is actually going on. I fully believe they know what's going on. Oh, of course they know. Oh yeah, all right, real quick, you know. Around the holidays, teddy, you guys were up and down the road, especially in the early days. You didn't get home, always at Christmastime. In fact, you were probably working on Christmas around that time, were you not?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we worked on Christmas morning and then we'd work that Christmas night. So yeah, back in the day, those were work days. Christmas, thanksgiving, those were all wrestling days right there, man. We'd go to Greensburg during the day and have an afternoon show and take right off from Greensburg and drive 300 miles straight down to Atlanta for a night show.

Speaker 2:

Did you guys celebrate Christmas together at any? I mean, did y'all go out and have maybe a different kind of meal, or just you?

Speaker 4:

know? Well, no, I didn't. Some guys celebrated and went to bars and parties and stuff. I didn't go nowhere, I was just glad to you know, get home.

Speaker 2:

During your time in WWE? Was there ever? Did they have Christmas parties for the staff? Was there any such thing as that? No See, always in my mind, you always envision all the guys getting together once a year getting their checks, their special bonus checks. Did you get a bonus check at Christmas? No, Really Nothing. Huh, it was just another day. Huh, yeah, Just another day, Right? Hey, what are your plans for the holidays this year, Teddy?

Speaker 4:

I really don't got no plans, man. I'm just going to hope and pray that I'm alive to see Christmas and I'm just going to enjoy myself, me and my dog, Rufus, and we're just going to have a blast and getting ready, in January, the 10th and 11th, I'm going to be up in Columbia, South Carolina, for a big Comic-Con, big signing there. So, like I said, man, I'm just going to take it easy and me and Rufus are just going to enjoy our life.

Speaker 2:

Rufus, when you go back and watch Scrooge, he had a dog too. The dog pulled the sleigh and Scrooge was on the back of this huge sleigh. I'm just imagining now you as the Scrooge and Rufus pulling the sleigh.

Speaker 4:

So now you're in the front of my pickup truck pulling me around, driving me around.

Speaker 2:

Somebody needs to. All right, look, guys, before we get a break. I do want to mention that in 2025, we're going to go live here with Road Trip After Hours. Teddy and I are going to test that out. We're going to start doing that once a month in the beginning, just to see what the response is. It'll be in the evening time and you can join us and ask questions and interact with us while we're live. That's going to be in 2025. But for right now, I do want to mention we've got a special event coming up in St Louis in May, and this is all you need to know.

Speaker 3:

SICW presents FanFest 3 St Louis, may 16th and 17th Hilton St Louis Airport. Nikita Koloff, missy Hyatt Gangrel, teddy Long and Mac Davis, tito Santana and Bill Apter. More to come S-I-C-W Fan Fest 3. For more info, sicworg.

Speaker 2:

Hey look, it's been fun so far on this show, but, teddy, we have a very special guest today. But before we get to this guest, there's a video that I want to share with you about our guest, and I'll tell you about everything you need to know. Watch this.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry, so. So Thank you. Shoot, taylor. What's going on, player? One thing I can say you are looking good, by the way, now you asked me to be here. I know earlier you and I sat down, we talked, we discussed this, so what's the plan? Player?

Speaker 5:

I say we stick to the original plan, like we talked about.

Speaker 4:

The same thing. We talked about Same thing. Well, if you with it, I'm down with it too. Business is business All day, every day. Good luck out there, oh, by the way, shoot One other thing, don't miss out way. Shoot One other thing, don't miss out there player. Oh, I won't.

Speaker 2:

Holla All right, Teddy, that is somebody you and I both know you want to tell everybody who we have coming on the show.

Speaker 4:

Well, we're talking about my main man, shu Taylor. I've known Shu Taylor almost five or six years now. I had the opportunity to meet him when he first broke into professional wrestling. He was in this training center called Face to Face and I had a chance to meet him down there, saw a lot of great talent in him the first time I met him, and then to find out that he was legit, you know, a high school Olympic wrestler, and he had medals and stuff to prove it and to show it.

Speaker 4:

So Chew Taylor is really a tough competitor and I tried to do everything I could to have him out, and so he's been so successful in doing a lot of things. And he called me and he said to me he said I want to take some time off, I want to think about what I want to do and I want to start all over again and I want to come up with a new character. So him and I we sat down and we talked over a few things and we finally come up with something. And I talked to him. I said, well, shoot, I think what we're doing now, we need to get on the podcast here with mac and I and talk to the people. Let the people know that you are returning now back in the ring in professional wrestling and tell us about this new character shoot.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the show, my friend. Thank you, thank you having me. Thank you, you, bet man. I first, first of all, let me say that the video that we just watched incredible video, very professional, very well done. Who did that for you?

Speaker 5:

So, yeah, one of my childhood friends, christian Anderson, writer, producer, director, actor, he does all my stuff and he has a real good talent for it. So whenever I bring him an idea, he can just bring it to life.

Speaker 2:

Well, he did fantastic, teddy, your part in that too was very good. You got some acting chops there. I didn't know you had.

Speaker 4:

Well, I don't know why you didn't know I've had them. You've known me for over 20 years, so I don't understand.

Speaker 2:

I've only known about the smart-ass part of you. That's the only part I've ever known. As Teddy mentioned and Shoot we all know each other. We've worked together on the Georgia independent scene. Shoot is an incredible talent. As a matter of fact, shoot, just recently, teddy and I both were talking about you on another podcast on Sportskeeda, telling people about your time in the ring and what we've seen. What is it now that, now that you've come back and you've taken some time off, do you feel fresh? Do you feel new? Tell us about how you're feeling right now.

Speaker 5:

Oh man, I feel great. I feel rejuvenated. You know there's you know there's a lot of good parts about this business and there's also a dark side to this, to this business as well, and you know it's a grind. It's a grind Day in and day out. It'll take a toll on you physically, mentally, all of the above. That was what was going on with me. I had a few injuries, but also mentally. I just had to get myself right, refocus, get back in the game. Now I feel better than ever and I'm ready to go man.

Speaker 2:

You spent some time in I know AEW. I've seen you do some work in AEW.

Speaker 3:

How was the experience in AEW for you it?

Speaker 5:

was a little strange. You know I got to TV for the time on a consistent basis. You know I learned all the ins and outs of working TV. You know working independent wrestling is a different thing from working on television. You've got to work to the hard cam. It's a much bigger crowd so everything has to be bigger. Versus independence, everything is so intimate. I just got to learn how to work on a bigger production, a bigger scale than from what I was used to. So I think it was a learning experience for the most part. A lot of drama and other stuff go on. I stay out of the way of that. I just go in, do my job and I leave.

Speaker 2:

Shoot. Explain to everybody your background a little bit. I think a lot of times in professional wrestling we see guys who are performers and wrestlers on the screen, but they're not. Not all of them are legit championship material wrestlers. Tell us about your background.

Speaker 5:

So I've been. I started amateur wrestling in the sixth grade. I did that all the way up until my senior year of high school. I was East Metro champion, two time region champion, sectional champion, four time state placer for my hometown. I was the first state placer to place at my high school and, yeah, that's pretty much my accolades. Four-time MVP as well I forgot about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had an opportunity for those of you who do not believe him at one of the shows we were doing. He came and brought all those medals to the show, had a big old box he had to bring in and we had to look at him and it was just incredible the amount of accomplishments that you've seen. And quite frankly, teddy, I know you feel the same way. I'm surprised, shoot, that we haven't seen you on a larger scale yet, because you are a very talented performer.

Speaker 4:

Are you speaking to me, Matt? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, well, you know, I certainly agree with exactly what you said.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

This guy is really tough in the ring and he's got a great attitude okay, and he's like CM Punk would say, he's straight edge.

Speaker 4:

He's no drugs, no alcohol. So I mean, why wouldn't you want a guy like this working for you? So hopefully you know now, with this new character he's coming up with and I'm going to go ahead and say this we don't know what's going to happen, but I also put him in touch with Booker T for Reality of Wrestling out there in Texas, and so he's sending Booker some stuff now and so hopefully, keep our fingers crossed he'll show up on Booker T's Reality of Wrestling. So I'm going to try to do whatever I can to help shoot, because I'm telling you, the world is missing a great piece of talent when they're not watching this man in the ring.

Speaker 2:

Teddy you'll probably agree with this and shoot I think it's one of the things I noticed about you when we first met. You are a very nice individual. You're not the typical pain in the ass kind of wrestler that comes to a show. You come to work and you come to do what needs to be done, and you're also very polite, which is a great upbringing. I'll say that right off the bat, because shoot has always been straight up and a gentleman with anybody I've ever seen. For promoters who have not seen you before, where can they go and find some of your work?

Speaker 5:

So I'm on all platforms at shoot Taylor. You can find me on Facebook at shoot Taylor. Youtube at shoot Taylor. Instagram, shoot Taylor. Twitter. Shoot Taylor. Everything. Shoot Taylor. Sounds good, teddy. What about that Shoot? I Shoot Taylor, twitter Shoot.

Speaker 4:

Taylor, everything Shoot. Taylor Sounds good, teddy, what about Shoot? I also heard something about you had a podcast.

Speaker 5:

How can people contact you? I'm starting a podcast soon. It's going to be called the Bond. I'm just going to talk about a whole bunch of stuff, not just wrestling, but you know everything sports, finances, everything you know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, shoot, let me ask you one quick question just out of curiosity, being that you're now in the business and trying to get into a larger role in the business, have you kind of determined what it was? You felt like maybe you were lacking, that people weren't seeing, and something that you've had to work on in your time off?

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, for sure. You know, this time off got I got a chance to really reflect on, you know, my career thus far and where I want to go in the future. And I think the main thing that I was lacking was not personality but but displaying my personality. And I think I wasn't always put in a position where I can display that. Um, and I was. I just didn't want to just be the wrestler, the boots and tights guy that's just a good wrestler, because I think there's much more to me than that. And now, with this new character and this new look and this new attitude, I'm going to be able to show that personality side.

Speaker 2:

I look forward to it. I really do. And after seeing that video, I'm sure a lot of people who are watching us right now are listening to us. If you have not actually watched this and you've been listening to us through the podcast on the audio channel, make sure you go to YouTube and take a look at that video, because it is absolutely incredible. They can also find it, I'm sure, on your social media shoot and anything you want to pass along any merch sites, anything like that.

Speaker 5:

No, well, I do want to take this time. I do want to give teddy long his flowers, man this guy uh has no, no no, hey, hey, hey, don't say that about no flowers.

Speaker 5:

Give me my props, not no flowers I would give him props man, he's the man you know, you know when you think about a hall of fame career, when you're talking about a Hall of Famer, a lot of times you're talking about one single Hall of Fame career. I like to believe this guy has had three separate Hall of Fame careers wrapped in one, you know, being a referee, being a manager of talent and then being, you know, a general manager. That's three separate Hall of Fame careers to me, and so I think he should be in the hall of fame three times, and he's done so much to help my career, so I just want to give him his props right and his problem.

Speaker 4:

thank you, man thank you so much, man. I it's my honor to help you, man, I just want to see you be successful.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you well, this has been a great conversation, guys, and I hope you have a great holiday shoot. And uh, teddy, I hope you have a good holiday as well.

Speaker 4:

I don't hope you have a good holiday. I hope that somebody steals your turkey. I hope they steal your ham, your cornbread, your buttermilk, everything.

Speaker 5:

I want to see a Teddy Long and Mac Davis wrestling match.

Speaker 2:

Look here, you ought to be in the car with us. Sometimes I swear it's about this close to going down. Sometimes I swear it's about this close to going down sometimes.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to tell you something. Right now, mac Davis is going to call me any problem. I will put him to sleep and he will never wake up again. I'm going to tell you that right now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, shut up, scrooge, we're out of time. This has been Road Trip. After Hours, I'm your host, mac Davis, that is WWE Hall of Famer. I've got Gotta make sure I tell him who he is. Thank you, mr Teddy Long, and, of course, our special guest, look him up, mr Shoot Taylor. We'll see you again next week. Holla players.

Speaker 6:

Christmas cheer. Hearts are warm. When winter's here, laughter rings out loud and clear. Oh, I'm wrapped in christmas cheer. Oh, I'm wrapped in christmas cheer. Hearts are warm. When winter's here, laughter rings out loud and clear. Oh, I'm wrapped in Christmas cheer.

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