Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis

Hogan's Boos and AEW Buzz in Wrestling's New Year

Mac Davis and WWE Hall of FamerTeddy Long Season 2 Episode 116

Ever wonder why Hulk Hogan got boos on Netflix's RAW? Join us as Teddy Long and I, Mac Davis, kick off the year exploring New Year’s resolutions and the annual influx of gym newbies. I share my frustrations about machine-hogging texters at the gym, while Teddy accuses me with a chuckle of secretly enjoying telling them to move. We then dive into the unexpected reaction Hulk Hogan received from the crowd, pondering whether his political affiliations and past controversies are to blame. Despite the boos, Teddy shares personal anecdotes of his positive experiences with Hogan, revealing a different side to the wrestling icon.

From the wrestling ring to the snowy forecasts of Georgia, our conversation takes many turns. Picture this: Edge and Christian potentially reuniting in AEW—could it happen, and what would it mean for the wrestling world? We chat about Christian Cage's impressive career post-WWE and how WWE's Netflix debut for RAW generated a buzz despite some technical hiccups. We wrap up with some playful banter about marriage and the unusual snow prediction in Georgia. Don’t miss out on my plans for a car event in Columbia, South Carolina, provided the weather doesn’t throw a curveball. We promise a mix of humor, speculation, and insightful chatter, making this episode a must-listen.

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Speaker 1:

Hello again, everybody. Welcome to an all new episode of Road Trip After Hours. I'm your host, mac Davis, and of course, with me is my good buddy and somebody that I like to chat with because he says what's on his mind and he doesn't filter what he says, mr Teddy Long.

Speaker 2:

Hey, Teddy. Well, you always trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

Speaker 1:

No, no, you're honest. There's a difference between honest critiques.

Speaker 2:

Hey, listen, no problem, You're exactly right. I say what's on my mind and I speak the truth, okay? So I ain't going to be putting out nothing that ain't going to be true, because I know it's going to come back to haunt me. So why would you do?

Speaker 1:

that and people go hey wait, did you remember when you said this? And then you have to own up to it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, one of the things I find interesting man.

Speaker 2:

Let's wish everybody a happy new year. Yeah, man, the brand new new year started. I know everybody out there made a lot of new year's resolutions. I know some of these people say they're going to start at the gym. Well, they do start on New Year's Day and we never see them anymore. So if you made that resolution, please keep it this time.

Speaker 1:

Now see, we're on the same wavelength, because I was going to ask you about the newcomers to the gym in the new year, because it's something. If you're like Teddy and I and you go to the gym and it's a part of your life every year, you know what's going to happen. You're going to see an influx of people come in after the first of the year. They're all there. They're going to take over the entire gym. About a month later, half of them are already gone.

Speaker 2:

It ain't no month, it ain't no month, it ain't no month. They don't even come back after that first day.

Speaker 1:

I try to stay away from the public hours, really, when I know a lot of people are moving around. Because of that reason I know they're in there. They're going to be sitting on machines. One thing I can't stand if I'm in the gym is somebody sitting on a bench while you're waiting to use the weight that they're using and they're just sitting on their phone texting or whatever. I swear there ought to be times where you can go up to people and just slap them. It ought to be legal at times.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't even worry about it. When they own something that I want, I just move on to another machine.

Speaker 1:

Well, I used to do that. But then when you get so, you know we only have one gym in town to do that. But then when you get so, you know we only have one gym in town and you only have so many machines. You just got to start booting people. You got to go bud, you got to get up, I got to work out. I don't have time for your little chit chat. And I don't mean to be mean when I'm that way. Yes, you do.

Speaker 2:

You mean exactly what you did to be mean. Well, I'm not trying to be mean, but now you're doing a great job of it. You're not trying at all, you're doing it. I am not a hero.

Speaker 1:

All right, let me ask you this is something that happened to the news teddy and uh. After the raw debut on netflix, this had to be one of the most surprising but still not surprising things that happened on the show, and that was Hulk Hogan his appearance and getting his ass booed out of the building. What did you think when you saw that?

Speaker 2:

Well, it was quite a surprise to me. You know, hogan has always been that hero, ok, and so I mean, even when he turned heel and went to the NWO, people were still cheering him, ok. So to see him get booed like that, you know, that was kind of a surprise to me. But you know, you're in California, man, and you're out there with a lot of liberals, a lot of liberals, and, like I said, I don't know, but I would think that this would have something to do with politics.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. So, yeah, the world we're in now, teddy, politics is almost so common because of the way it has become through social media and how we can interact with people nowadays. But I agree with you, I think that him being in California could have been a political issue for him there, because he did go and promote President Trump back just a few months ago, and California, like you say, is not a conservative state, it's more of a liberal state, and so there was not the best crowd for him to be in front of. But he has other things that he carries with him, teddy. I know that he's had issues when it came to racial slurs in the past or just saying crazy things that aren't true. Does that come back to bite him after a while? Do the fans just eventually get tired of Hulk Hogan?

Speaker 2:

Well, you just never know. You know what I mean. You just never know. Sometimes you can say things and people just don't pay them any attention. But if you continue to say the same thing, then that's when you start drawing attention to yourself. So you know what I mean. I don't know. Hogan's a great guy, great friend of mine. I mean he came and spoke to me on different occasions and talked to me by myself, you know, and told me things too. So you know, like I said, he's always been nice to me. You know, I never had any problem with him. I mean, the last time I saw him I was minding my own business and he yelled and called, called me all the way across the arena there to come meet his new wife.

Speaker 2:

He had just got married, I guess. So you know what I mean. So, like I said, and back in the day, him and I, you know, I'll tell you this and I won't go any further. But one night I rode from I forget where the TV was, but it was a night that I rode on Vince's plane and we landed in Love Field in Dallas, at Love Field, and when we got off the plane I went to they sent me straight to Vince's limo to ride, to go to the TV hotel.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was sitting in that limo by myself and then all of a sudden, maybe about 10 minutes after I was sitting there, then Hogan come and got in the limo and we weren't even Hogan wasn't even at the TV or nothing, but I guess he was scheduled to meet Vince there. And we weren't even Hogan wasn't even at the TV or nothing, but I guess he was scheduled to meet Vince there. And then, when Vince Cummings got in the limo now, this is what let me knew, you know, I had to carte blanche, as Lord Knight has tried to tell me I had to like I didn't know and I'd never let him knew that I knew either, but because Vince and Hogan was talking about stuff that I would never repeat and I done forgot it.

Speaker 1:

And I wanted to forget it. I got you Right.

Speaker 2:

But just to be in that position, to be in the car with him and Vince there that night, you know, made me know, you know, hey, I'm okay.

Speaker 1:

You know, one of the things that could have also been an issue, I think, when it came to his appearance was that he was promoting his beer. Now, I don't care who you are in wrestling. Usually if you come on the show and you blatantly are advertising a book signing or something else, the fans will let you know they don't care for that shit. They want to know you're there because you enjoy wrestling and that's why you're there, not promoting, you know, the latest thing that you've got for sale. And he was selling his beer and it's now a sponsor of wwe as well. I don't think the fans cared for that too much. I think that played against him as well.

Speaker 1:

He was the only guest on the show who did that, uh, and it came across as kind of cheesy. It's like, oh god, he's out here talking about his beer and he rips away the shirt. You know, get it. But yeah, I think maybe it was just bad timing for him to come on the show. Maybe you should have saved him for a different city and a different town, where the response may have been a whole lot different.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, who knows?

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you about Cope. We talked about this on Sportskeeda last week, but Cope, or the rated R superstar, cope, the name. Your response on Sportskeeda, by the way, for those of you who did not see his response basically was like what, what other names? Just throw names out. You're going to throw names to the wall that we can call cope other than cope. Can you come up with some names?

Speaker 2:

no, I cannot, I, I, I, I really I never even. Like I said, this is the wrestling business, so nothing surprises me of what I may see or what I may hear. But sometime, you know, I think you ought to think about some stuff before you do it. But Vince was kind of like that too, you know he'd throw something out there, but he was willing to try it, but if it didn't work he'd cut it off immediately. He didn't waste any time in it.

Speaker 1:

Do you think he would have cut this off if Vince McMahon were behind the scenes?

Speaker 2:

Do you think that this cope would never have seen the light of day? That would have never even happened. That's what I figured. I mean, it is such a if you're gonna make. If I don't know what, you're trying to make fun of the guy's name or what. Are you giving him a legitimate another name? But add me a story to why I'm going to be called cope. You know what I mean? Uh, cope or what cope?

Speaker 1:

or whatever it is I.

Speaker 2:

I need to come behind that. There's a reason why I'm Cope now and not Cope land.

Speaker 1:

He's Cope on a rope Cope on a rope, cope a dope?

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, we'll just have to. But me knowing Edge and he's a great good friend of mine too if anybody can pull that off, edge can do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's also mentioned that he's wanting to work again with Christian in AEW. I think that's well overdue when it comes to those two. It should have happened long before now. That they should have gotten entangled with one another against against each other first is what I really want, and then I want to see where they joined together and become that tag team again. I think that's a great way. The only problem, though Teddy Christian cage in AEW. Man, he's killing it. His character in AEW is so damn good. And to see christian do that after he left, you know, uh, wwe, and I know he wasn't well loved in wwe. He was always seen as a small guy, right, yeah, yeah, so I mean you know to see him doing so well. Now I enjoy that, but I also think, uh, that it's just well past due. But that should be be a lot of fun. Now let me ask you Well, here's what you don't forget.

Speaker 2:

They took him in WWE too. He was the world champion at one time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, he was Now. He did have a lot of detractors, though, and I've even heard Edge make comments or Cope make comments about you know, he wasn't the biggest guy and Vince liked the particular kind of big guys and a certain look, and he didn't have it, and so when you hear things like that, you kind of know well, it must be somewhat true, because you've heard it enough over the time. You know enough people have said so.

Speaker 2:

Well, it might have been, but, like I said, I'm with you for him. Congratulations on the work he's doing there at AEW. I haven't had a chance to see any of it, but not only have I heard you speak good about it, I've heard some other people that speak good about it too. So congratulations to Christian, and I hope everything works out for him.

Speaker 1:

I do want to say, before we get out of here too, that the Netflix debut for Raw. I didn't and I'm not trying to be a downer on the show, because I thought the show overall was good. It was entertaining that. It was the only problem that I saw, teddy, and I was curious to see if you got this as well. They didn't present any storylines going forward. It was basically just like a one-time here's a show and there was no storyline or any hook to come back and watch the next one. Did you get that feeling when you watched?

Speaker 2:

it Well, no, no, I didn't. I could see a storyline there. I think the CM Punk and Seth Rollins I think that kind of paved the way a little bit there, so you kind of know which direction they're going in. Sometimes you can move too quick and too fast. I think what they did on Netflix was outstanding. As far as introducing themselves for the first time WWE on Netflix, I think that was tremendous. I mean, they made a tremendous showing. The programming, you know, I mean everything, the introduction of every power, all that stuff was great. So I think they made a great. You know, come on, you know as they started out, all that stuff was great, so I think they made a great. You know, come on, you know as they started out, I think that was great. So now I think people will watch because now the storyline will start.

Speaker 1:

Now, I did see that the ratings for the show today. I just saw this right before we went online. I wanted to make sure that you know. I knew the latest Nearly 5 million people were watching Netflix live for their uh, for their raw debut. So, and and that doesn't sound like a lot, maybe there's a lot of people when you look at the youtube views with that. I don't even think that's a is. This is just how many people were tuned into netflix when it was live doesn't even include social media.

Speaker 2:

That's incredible numbers well, I had a lot of people that couldn't even get it. They kept uh. I had one person called me and I was trying to do the same thing, too, was getting it, and they said that, uh, every time they would do something on their phone, they said they'd send them a code. But when they got to the code to download the app, then you had to start all over again, which means that you got to wait on another code.

Speaker 1:

It was all it was all messed up. Yeah, they, uh, that's, that's. That's not good've got to wait on another cold. It was all messed up, that's not good.

Speaker 2:

They've got to get that fixed. If that's a problem, that wasn't them. I think this was A, D and D.

Speaker 1:

There you go, teddy, before we get out of here. I know you've got some interesting weather coming that way. I'm hearing you might get some snow. Here in Georgia we're calling for snow, believe it or not at the time of this recording.

Speaker 2:

Well, you live in Georgia too. Why do you act like you don't live in Georgia?

Speaker 1:

I live more in southern Georgia, so I mean you probably see snow every year, we don't? I mean that's unusual down here. In fact, Teddy, I went out today and got me a snow shovel. I knew because everybody around here look, here in the south when there's snow, people are in the stores.

Speaker 2:

Bread is gone, Toilet paper is gone, and I knew I've been in Walmart today.

Speaker 1:

Believe me, that's where I got the snow shovel.

Speaker 2:

Because I knew I'd be in trouble.

Speaker 1:

I got it for us. Give me just a second. This is like the latest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't hurt yourself Snow shovel here.

Speaker 1:

This is a southern snow shovel, if you can say southern snow shovel wow right there, unreal yeah, and somebody, somebody's married to you yep, unfortunately. So wow, teddy, I hope you have a great weekend and hopefully you get to go where you're planning to go.

Speaker 2:

But I know I'm supposed to be up in Columbia, south Carolina, on Saturday and Sunday for a big coming car there at the fairgrounds. I will know tomorrow if it cancels or not, but if we don't cancel and if I can drive, I'll see you guys there.

Speaker 1:

Alright, and we'll see you again next week right here, same place, same time, on YouTube or wherever you download your favorite podcast. I'm Mac Davis and that is WWE Hall of Famer, teddy Long. We'll see you next week. Holla players Outro Music.

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