Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis
The Fastest 30 Minute Wrestling Show with WWE Hall of Famer TEDDY LONG and MAC DAVIS! It's FAST, It's FUN and it's FREE!
Road Trip After Hours w/ WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long and Host Mac Davis
WWE TEDDY LONG speaks on Vince McMahon and rumors of a new promotion!
Get ready to dive into the captivating world of professional wrestling with WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long as he opens up about the latest buzz surrounding Vince McMahon and the potential for a new wrestling promotion.
Thank you. Thank you, I'm out, hello everybody.
Speaker 2:Welcome to an all new Wrestling's Road Trip After Hours. I'm your host, mac Davis, and, of course, right next to me is none other than WWE Hall of Famer, mr Teddy Long. How you doing, teddy?
Speaker 3:I'm doing good. Y'all heard me screaming. I had to wake Mac up, okay. That's why I was yelling at him.
Speaker 2:No, no, I had my coffee.
Speaker 3:Ah well alright.
Speaker 2:Hey, look, teddy, while everybody's coming into the room, let me remind everyone, please share this. Let's see how many people we can get into the room In the next 30 minutes. We're only here for 30 minutes a week. We keep it short and sweet, but we have a lot of fun While we're here. We actually Answer any questions. You have Anything that you have in mind for Teddy Long? Ask him. He'll answer anything, I promise you and Teddy. Before we get underway, I do want to mention that one of our viewers actually sent in a package this past week to Road Trip After Hours and I want to read this to you. This comes from Alex Booth in Santa Cruz, california, and Alex, if you're in the room, say hello so we know you're in here. But he says hopefully Teddy can use these for giveaways or sign and sell at the merch tables. He's a legend, big fan, alex Booth. Let me show you what he sent. He sent me about a dozen of these things. I know you've seen these before.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he sent me those, so you got some of these you can put at your merch table. And he just he wanted to make sure, instead of throwing these things away because he was going through a house, he wanted to make sure he passed these on to you.
Speaker 3:Well, I really thank him very much, man, if you're in the room with us, man, thank you so very much, and that's exactly what I'll do with him. And I tell you what on the backside.
Speaker 2:I was noticing that. Let's see, I don't know how well we can see this, but uh, that's uh. I don't know what year that was, Teddy. What year do you think?
Speaker 3:that was in the nineties. I think that was when I was managing butchery and run. You're correct.
Speaker 2:It says on the back Teddy long Long is the self-proclaimed Godfather of pro wrestling and manager of the world Tag team champions Doom. He's already. He's always Ready to talk about his team. He claims that Doom isn't afraid Of any tag team and says we're gonna rule the world. Baby, that's how you would say give it to me how you were Gonna rule the world, baby, yeah you go, there you go. But Alex, thanks so much for sending those in. It's kind of cool.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, thank you, Alex, thank you player.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, I'm going to put this to the side. Actually, I might keep the one I was just showing you there, because you never give me one. So I in the news. Teddy, that surprises me. First of all, rumors flying around about the possibility of Vince McMahon, a new wrestling promotion and Fox. I wanted to get your take on the rumors that this is a possibility that's taking place. What do you think?
Speaker 3:Well, like I said, we talked about this before and, like I said, congratulations to Vince, I hope it is something that he is putting together. I mean, like I said, maybe to Vince, I hope it is something that he is putting together. I mean, like I said, maybe people may frown on me or say bad because of what has happened to him or whatever, but my thing is this you're innocent until proven guilty. So that hasn't happened yet. So I'm looking at the other side. So I hope it's true. I hope Vince is getting something started and, like I said, man, you know, if there's anything I can do backstage to help him, I ain't worried about being on TV, none of that, you know that don't bother me. But if it's some way he can use my brain or something you know, any way I can help him in any kind of way, I'd be glad to do it.
Speaker 2:And that was a question if you would work for Vince McMahon again. I know because I know how you are when it comes to the travel. Travel is not a big thing, I mean not not something you care for, let's put it that way. You've done enough of it over the years that you know you don't really care to do too much. But if it were Vince McMahon you might rethink that, huh.
Speaker 3:Well, I don't think it would, with the way the business is now. You know what I mean. I don't think it would be much travel for me if I. You know, like I said, if I did do something with Vince, I think it may. Like I said, I'm open to him.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean, and so if whatever me and him talk about, whatever he thinks is the best thing for me to do or whatever he wants me to do, then that's what I'll do. You know, I find it kind of curious and a lot of people pointed this out when the rumors started circulating about, you know, Fox and Vince McMahon and possible wrestling promotion. We did see Vince McMahon not long ago. It was at the Super Bowl, and he was flanked by a couple of other people that we recognized. That included his son, Shane McMahon, that we thought may have gone to AEW or talked to them, and also the Undertaker. So let me ask you is it hard to believe that Vince and Shane could be working together?
Speaker 3:No, it's not hard to believe that. I mean, why wouldn't you want that? That's father and son. You know what I mean. I think it should have been that way. You know all the time. You know what I mean. So, yeah, I think it's never too late. I'll put it like that.
Speaker 2:Do you think the Undertaker is under such a WWE contract that he'll never leave there, or could?
Speaker 3:we see somebody like Undertaker maybe show up in a Vince McMahon promotion. Well, I don't know, this is what I feel. I feel that if Vince McMahon comes up with a promotion, undertaker will show up in that promotion. Okay, that's what I think. And uh, like I said, uh Taker has made it clear. He's let you know that Vince is like a father to him. You know what I mean. Vince did a lot for him, did a lot for me, man. You know what I mean. So I can understand Taker's position. You know what I mean. He ain't going to walk away from him and I'm not going to walk away from him either.
Speaker 2:All right. A word today, also, that the billionaire princess, stephanie McMahon uh is said to have a wrestling podcast coming up soon Teddy, uh for the WWE and we'll talk about her life, uh, behind the scenes and in front of the camera. That should be a really interesting program, wouldn't you think?
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, stephanie is a great talker too, man, and uh, like I said, I've worked with her over my career, had a lot of fun with her, so, uh, I think she's gonna do real good with that.
Speaker 2:that's gonna be great and she's also doing a uh. There's another show, god. For those of you who are watching maybe you'll remember, is I want to say it's a espn plus series, maybe or something. It's called stephanie's places and she travels around with some of the? Uh, the vets and some of the current talent and uh gives you a look behind the scenes of those guys. I think I've seen her actually on a yacht, if I'm not mistaken, with uh rock and uh roman reigns and the whole family uh toasting uh wine or champagne, one or the other uh. So I'm sure that's what it's from. But so she's staying pretty busy and she seems to be kind of creeping her way back in to the WWE.
Speaker 3:Well, I don't think she ever left. Well, yeah, there are people who say that too.
Speaker 2:Now let me ask you, do you remember and, by the way, those of you who are watching, please, if you've got questions, leave questions for Teddy. Teddy will pick one of his favorite questions when we go to the mail and your comments and his favorite one will win a t-shirt a Road Trip After Hours t-shirt, which I thought I brought in here with me, but I don't see it right now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, see there you go there, you go.
Speaker 2:But we got a great t-shirt for you, so just leave those comments and questions down below. One thing that happened do you remember when Matt Morgan he's a former WWE superstar Do you remember?
Speaker 3:who I'm talking about. Not right off, that name sounds familiar Matt Morgan. Maybe say something more.
Speaker 2:He was a really big guy. I think he was in both WWE and TNA a big, tall guy, muscled up. But he had commented that Vince McMahon gave him the stuttering gimmick when he was in WWE and it didn't last long, didn't work too well, and he said that Vince's reasoning behind it was that he wanted and he said that Vince's reasoning behind it was that he wanted a big, monster-looking guy to have an imperfection that people could look at as a weakness for that individual. He also said and here's the funny part, teddy he said that McMahon had initially considered someone else for the stuttering gimmick.
Speaker 3:No-transcript god, I don't know. I can't answer that brother.
Speaker 2:I because with vince you never know well, which is true, because, believe it or not, he was actually going to give that gimmick to brock lesnar at one time. Before he gave it to matt morgan, he had tossed around giving it to brock lesnar. Can you imagine a stuttering bro Lesnar coming out on TV? Actually, he didn't even talk that much when he first came out, did he, teddy?
Speaker 3:No, Well, maybe you do, you put Heyman with him back then. So then Heyman can make up for that stuttering.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, well, you need something? All right, well, let's see, we're going to take a quick break. I'm going to give something. All right, let's see, uh, we're gonna take a uh quick break. I'll give you a chance and kind of catch up on the st louis uh uh fan fest that's coming up in may. Teddy another big event, of course you're receiving the uh lifetime achievement award when we're in st louis and, uh, two nights there it's actually two days, let's put it that way the friday night and the saturday afternoon and evening uh, that you get a chance to meet and greet with a ton of famous people in the wrestling business, including teddy long and even legendary pro wrestling uh uh journalist, mr bill, after he'll be there as well. Uh, so there's a lot of fun going on. Teddy, are you looking forward to this event?
Speaker 3:uh, yeah, I really am. And I'd like to say a good thanks to herb simmons and nick ridittenhaw those two guys, you know that, really busting their butts up there and making this thing happen every year. Also, you know, like you said, I want to thank them too for the Lifetime Achievement Award and something else that they're doing real special. You know, for the past two years they've only had the autograph signing on one night, and that was Saturday night. Well, this year we're going to have the autograph signing two nights Friday night and Saturday night. The superstars, whoever's there, will be at the table. They'll be signing autographs for two nights right there this year.
Speaker 2:That's going to be cool and I'll be there as well, so I'll be looking forward to that weekend. It's one of my favorite weekends of the entire year. Teddy knows next. I tell him all the time this is one of my favorite shows. Uh, that we get to go to, it's just uh. The entire environment is really cool. I think you'd like it.
Speaker 3:If you want to find out more, go ahead and the thing is, you know, with herb simmons, you know you got to thank him. Man, here's a guy that thinks about the guys that nobody think about. You know what I mean? A lot of guys that they put there in the hall of fame. Bob orton, uh, a senior dad, you know what I mean? Nobody, I, you know, I, I don't know what I mean. Nobody, you know, I, I don't know what. He was asked to go to the WWE Hall of Fame or not. You know, but Herb Simmons thinks about that. People that really deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. They don't make it in WWE. Well, he created another Hall of Fame, sort of make sure that these guys are recognized.
Speaker 2:Now look, we're going to come back in just a quick second. We're going to give you more information about the St Louis Wrestling Fan Fest. To give you more information about the St Louis Wrestling Fan Fest, and on the other side of that, we'll come back with your questions your comments and your emails on Road Trip After Hours.
Speaker 1:Sicw presents Fan Fest 3. St Louis, may 16th and 17th, houston, st Louis Airport. Nikita Koloff, missy Hyatt Gangrel, teddy Long and Mac Davis, tito Santana and Bill Apter. More to come. S-i-c-w Fan Fest 3. For more info, s-i-c-w dot org Letters.
Speaker 3:Oh, we get letters we get your letters every day Mailman, mailman, mail.
Speaker 1:today, Reach my hand and pull one out. Oh letters, I love those letters.
Speaker 2:Let's find out what you've got to say, mailman mail today. All right, teddy, here we go. This is where we answer some of the questions that you've sent in and also the ones you can leave us. If you want to leave some comments right here, please do so right now. This is where we'll answer those questions. But, teddy, as always, I get a few during the week and I always try to pull these out and bring them in here because they're kind of the really good, sweet questions I get out of the bunch. Don in Texas wants to know who was the shoot. Weirdest person you ever met in professional wrestling, strangest, just most out there kind of individual.
Speaker 3:Ah God, a lot of them.
Speaker 2:Most of them are probably your friends too yeah. But was there somebody though that was just really. You kind of got around to me like, wow, this this, this, this, this guy's just a little bit too much.
Speaker 3:Uh, like I said, it was a lot of them too. The guy that I really want to mention, you know he's passed. I'd just rather not even mention his name.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, let's see, we got Jacob in California. Of all the road trips that you took, was there ever a time that you saw something you couldn't explain?
Speaker 3:Example UFO.
Speaker 2:No, wait a minute. Wait a minute, you might have seen something that just may not have actually been there, right?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I probably didn't have no idea what it was. Uh, if you want to know something strange, that, uh, I was on the road one time and all of a sudden this car pulls up beside us and honks the horn and the next thing we look over and it's Victoria. She pulls her pants down and she moons us. So that was a good night.
Speaker 2:By the way, I saw earlier that she had stopped by. She saw that we were going to be coming up live tonight. So, victoria, if you get in the room too, let me know. We'll pop in and ask you a couple questions as well, and thanks for going by our side a while ago. Let's see Also Bryce Bordeaux. And look here, let me pop him up here. This guy, teddy, if you have never seen Bryce, bryce does incredible work when it comes to ring announcing. I know him, do you? Yes, absolutely incredible. So anybody out there looking for a great talent, bryce is one of those talents.
Speaker 3:I know Bryce. I've known him a while. I met him out in Texas.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep, let's see Wyatt Long saying hi, he's in the room tonight.
Speaker 3:Wyatt Long. All right, blair, maybe we related somewhere down the line.
Speaker 2:What do you mean? You might be, it might be immediate family and you wouldn't even know. Well, it's the last thing at all. I'm just saying you wouldn't even know if it was your brother at this point.
Speaker 3:Well, no, I wouldn't yes All right.
Speaker 2:Here's one of the things that you love to do, Teddy, and I'm glad we got one of these. Patrick Down Under is going to give you a name association. I'm going to give you a name, several names. Give me what comes to mind about each individual. You ready.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, here we go. Oh God, Teddy, I'm looking at some of these names. Okay, here we go. Be honest. Teddy Oatley Anderson. Oatley Anderson uh, no comment. Gary michael capetta. Now for those of you who are not aware of wcw wrestling uh in the early days, uh, gary michael capetta was one of the announcers, uh for, uh, the group and uh, go ahead, teddy great guy, gary capetta when you did gary, he always seems like such a quiet guy when you get up around him.
Speaker 2:You see him at the show sometimes and he's selling some gimmicks and he just seems like a real quiet guy. But I remember him, uh, when I would sit ringside and he would be out there talking to the fans during, you know, in between matches and everything, and they had at that time, and you might remember this, the nitro not nitro girls, but they were the ring attendants that would walk around the ring, the you know, get the jackets and everything, and I mean they had. I don't know where they found these girls I'm assuming it was probably Hooters, but he would always sit there and just smile as they went by. But he seemed like a super nice guy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, gary was always a great guy man and I've worked with him back in the day man, real nice guy.
Speaker 2:All right, here we go. The next one may be a little bit difficult. Let's see what you got to say about this one. Ric Flair no comment. For those of you who are watching, you're not sure why he's saying no comment. There are a couple of names he just won't comment on, for good reason.
Speaker 3:Well, and the other thing I'll say is the reason I'm not commenting on them is because it's old news. Okay, that stuff is in the back, it's in the past, it's done, I've moved on with my life and I hope they've's a bunch of mess, so I got it now, so I ain't worried about it, no more.
Speaker 2:Let's see Bryce writing back in here. I appreciate the love gentlemen. Teddy, I'm actually working in Dallas at Southern Junction on Saturday for a Super Fight event. We worked there for SWE. I would love to hear more about your times working for the godfather of soul, james Brown. Also, has Teddy ever seen the famous drunk interview that James Brown did on CNN? Yeah, I did see that. All right, you have to explain it because I have not. What happened during this interview?
Speaker 3:Get Bryce to explain that to you. They was asking him a bunch of questions about something. I think I don't know what he had all his teeth in or something. I think that was out. He might've just had got out of jail up in South Carolina or something. I think it was where he went through that high speed chase where they were chasing him so and they were talking to him about that. But yeah it, uh, that was. That was pretty heavy.
Speaker 2:Did you have any memories when you were working with him for his radio stations? Anything about James during that time?
Speaker 3:Well, james was very strict. James Brown would fine you if you didn't have a tie. If you walked around and didn't bring a tie to work, you would get fined. You also had to say to him, mr Brown, that you made sure you do that. If you didn't say that, that's another fine. He was so strict and he knew. Here's a man that had no education no high school education, no college education but he knew music and he was so good at it to what he would do when his band would be on stage. They would live performing. If somebody missed a bad note he would catch it and he would keep on performing. But what he would do he would be letting them know that he's going to find them for missing that note and he'd be dancing and doing this like five ten and he's letting them know that's how much you're going to get. The whole time he's entertaining. So he was incredible.
Speaker 2:Would you say that he is a lot like Vince McMahon? Because that sounds like a Vince McMahon kind of attitude really. If you're not going to get it right, I'm going to fine you until you get it right and you do it the way. I pay you for it.
Speaker 3:Well, kind of you know what I mean?
Speaker 1:I don't.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, I've seen Vince get out of his gorilla position and go down to the ring and kick the guys right out of the ring on live TV.
Speaker 2:So anything's possible, right? Yeah, All right, we got two more names for the you know name association. Here we go. Big Show is the next one.
Speaker 3:Uh, great guy. I had a chance to work with him for a while. Man Paul, always, you know, been cool with me and you know everything. So all I can say is show, great guy.
Speaker 2:And the last one on the list is when I know what you're going to say, but I'm going to throw it out there Anyhow.
Speaker 3:Chris Jericho Uh, chris and I were always cool, you know. We didn't ever have no problems. I learned a lot from Chris. He always would sit down sometime and me and him would talk and he would explain stuff you know and make it, you know, real understandable. So, like I said, I had no problem with Chris at all, all right, here we go.
Speaker 2:One more letter here that we got from last week. Chi in Florida wants to know what is your favorite go-to snack.
Speaker 3:My favorite go-to snack.
Speaker 2:I know, at one time it was the. What was it? Patti LaBelle? Banana pudding, the banana pudding, the.
Speaker 3:Patti LaBelle banana pudding. God, I got that so much that I kind of got burnt out on it, so I haven't had it in a while. So my go-to snack now is God. I wish I had time I go get the bag and show you. But there are these, uh, the cheetos I buy and they're like baked and they're like a box of them and they're like eight bags in a box, but they're, those are my snacks, that's me and rin rufus enjoy those.
Speaker 2:We eat those together I haven't heard rufus tonight. He must be sleeping off to the side somewhere oh, he's at rufus. He's in here. Somebody asked me the other day I didn't know, you had a dog. I said I don't have a dog and on one of the shows that we did he was barking in the background. I just went, I got hush Rufus. They thought that was actually my dog. I was telling the hush.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, rufus somewhere.
Speaker 2:Let's see Dave Ruby is popping into the room saying what's up, mac and Teddy, holla, holla Back at you, dave, absolutely All right. Anything coming up for you, teddy, we need to talk about.
Speaker 3:I'm going this Saturday to Dallas, texas. I'll be there for NWA Texas style wrestling Big night of professional wrestling. So I'm going in fact like kind of going home. You know I went out there, I was out there running the SWE for a long time and so I hadn't been there in like three or four years. So it's going to be great to see Rodney Mack Dog Pound Championship Wrestling and all the guys out there going to be out there on Saturday night. So NWA Texas style wrestling Saturday night holla.
Speaker 2:I'll be in the building. Also want to make mention that the international professional wrestling hall of fame made the announcement, uh just the other day, that uh going into the hall of fame with Rocky Johnson, and, oh Lord, I can't remember the, uh, the. Hmm, okay, rocky Johnson, I know, but the one they announced uh just the other day was WWE's very own Trish Stratus. Uh, so congratulations to Trish. Uh, that's a fantastic thing.
Speaker 2:She will be at the event. Tickets are going to go on sale soon. There'll be more information coming soon, so just go to prowrestlinghallorg and that's where you'll find that information. All right, teddy, we got to pick a winner for tonight, and I would have guessed that maybe Bryce, because the question about James Brown, uh, it's your pick, not mine.
Speaker 3:well, like I said I, I was gonna do that too, man. I wish you hadn't done it, but I was gonna do it. But that's okay, don't make no difference. Yeah, I'm gonna pick Bryce too, man.
Speaker 2:I think that was a great question yeah, and everybody thanks for joining in tonight. We certainly appreciate it. And, uh, this show only grows if, uh, you share it and bring friends and we get this room bigger and bigger and we can answer a lot more questions, live and have a lot more fun. Trust me, teddy, I look forward to seeing you again next week. My friend right here, how about anything that you want to mention before? I just pop us right on out. You just pop us right on out, I'll be right back.